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"Agent Romanoff, long time no see" I hear Sharon say, with a fake tone, from behind me, and I can hear her run towards me as I'm on my way into the new S.H.I.E.L.D building.
"It's Agent Rogers now" I lie with a grin when she reaches me.
"Wh-..what?" She asks thrown off.
"Yes" is all I say, before I leave her with a lost look on her face, and I go towards the conference room feeling very satisfied with myself.

When she enters the conference room, she gives me an evil glare and dump down on one of the chairs, one as far away from me as possible. We're the only two in the room so far, and I find that entertaining.
"Anything wrong Agent Carter?" I ask with a nonchalant smirk and roll my pen around on my notebook.
"I am just fine, Agent Rogers" she says with a stiff smile, and the last word with visible disgust, and then she looks away.

"You stole my boyfriend!" She exclaims after a few minutes in silence.
"I didn't steal him" I answer flatly, and shake my head. This is fun already.
"Yes, you did. You shouldn't be around your ex when you clearly knew he was still in love with you!" She says loudly with gritted teeth.
"Well, I didn't know" I shrug.
"Oh don't you lie to me, you bitch!" she screams.
"My god! Imagine if that temper let show on a mission! You wouldn't be able to keep your cover for even five minutes" I laugh.
"You haven't changed a bit since you were nothing more than a Russian murderer. I don't get how he can even love you" she snarls, possibly trying to push my buttons.
I chuckle dryly. "I'm still just a Russian murderer. But I'm a lovable one apparently" I shrug with a grin, and our 'conversation' ends when a group of agents enter the conference room as well.

Halfway through the meeting, I'm out of my mind bored. And I need to throw up.
The past 20 minutes I've tried to hold it in, but I'll throw up on the table if I do it any longer.
"Excuse me" I apologize, and get up from my seat.

I run to the trashcan by the door and I can feel everyone's eyes linger on my back as my breakfast pours out in the can.
"Sorry about that, please continue" I croak to the agent who was talking and wipe my mouth with my sleeve before I tie a knot on the plastic bag, and return to my seat.

I can see Sharon laughing to herself from the other end of the table, probably because she finds it funny that I threw up. If she knew it was because her ex-boyfriend fucked me, a sterilized woman, so hard that I managed to get pregnant - I still don't understand how - she probably wouldn't be so cocky.

I rush out of the meeting room when the meeting's over and I've said goodbye to the other agents.

"Agent Romanoff" Agent Hill greets me as I cross her in the hallway.
"Agent Hill, how's everything here?" I ask her, and we stop to chat.
"Tough, you know, getting a number of bases up to avoid destruction for the what? Third time?" She nods.
"How are you?" She asks.
"I'm pretty good actually" I say, after thinking about how perfect my present situation actually is.
"Still with Rogers?" She smirks.
"Oh she's still with Rogers alright" Sharon interrupts before I get to answer.
I roll my eyes. That woman. She's a good agent, I can't deny that. But god she can be annoying.
"Well good to hear" Maria nods awkwardly, and looks at Sharon who's just frowning next to me while giving me evil glares.
"I better get going, see you around, Agents" she says and walks away.

I look at Sharon who's still glancing at me.
"Your face'll get stuck like that if you don't change your expression once in a while" I say and turn away from her, heading for the exit.

"I bet you threw up because you saw yourself in a computer screen! Ha!" Sharon shouts, with a smile in triumph, when she's caught up to me outside the door.
"You've been thinking about that since I threw up?" I ask her. That is probably the most basic, dry comeback I've ever heard.
"Yeah...you know...because you're...ugly" she explains quietly.
"Then I guess Steve has a type" I shrug. She's not even that ugly. She's decent I guess. I just had to say something.
She growls angrily, not able to find anything to comment.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now