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When I wake up I can hear Steve murmuring next to me.
I stretch my body before I look at him.
"Who are you talking to?" I ask and rub my eyes.
"Baby" he says and points to my belly.
He's been so excited since I told him I was pregnant a couple of days ago, and it's been hard keeping it a secret from Yelena, but I don't want to tell her until I know for sure.
"We're not even sure that it's alive" I chuckle, but it hurts to even think about it.

He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me.
"Don't say that, Love. I'm sure our baby is just fine" he says and kisses my belly.
"Even if it is fine, it's still high risk. I have no reproduction organs. This pregnancy doesn't even make sense. It's biologically impossible" I start but he doesn't listen, he's just talking to my stomach.
"Steve!" I say and he raises his head.
"Yeah I hear you, but I have a serum" he says and returns to telling my belly something I can't hear.
"Still impossible..." I mumble. "And even if it's alive, it's nothing right now" I say.
"Don't tell our child it's nothing" he frowns and covers my belly with his hands, probably so it can't hear anything.
He's too cute.
"It doesn't have ears, it's a lump of shit right now" I laugh and move his hands away.
"It doesn't have ears yet?" He asks and looks at me surprised.
"No. I'm what? 4-5 weeks along. It's almost a nothing" I say.
"So I just spent the entire morning, telling nothing that it shouldn't take you away from me?" He asks annoyed.
"You told it that?" I ask, and start crying softly. Fucking hormones, already fucking me up.

"Shouldn't I have?" He asks concerned and pulls me close to him to stop me from crying.
"It's just pregnancy hormones" I sob into his shoulder as he runs his fingers through my hair.
"You're going to be like this until the baby comes?" He asks and kisses my cheek.
"I'm afraid so, but I can't do anything about it" I say.
"I think it's adorable" he says and looks at me.

He climbs back under the covers and pulls them up under my chin.
"I will take the best care of you, so that you won't forget me when you have our child" he smiles and lets me rest my head on his chest.
"I can't ever forget you" I chuckle and kiss his jaw.
He kisses my forehead and holds me tightly against his warm body.
I sigh comfortably and inhale his scent, before I put my head right under his chin.

If somebody had told me five years ago, that I'd be this in love with someone, I wouldn't have believed them. Actually I probably would've killed them...
Oh how much I've grown.


I still can't believe that she's with me. I've thought about it so many times, and still, it's unreal. She's unreal. My love for her is crazy.

She looks at me. Her eyes as beautiful as always, but it's like they've been more sparkly since she got pregnant, and just her looking at me melts my heart.
I hope so sincerely that this baby is okay.
It would crush her if it wasn't. And me too.

We lay in silence. Both listening to each other's breaths, and just looking at each other, like when we first got together.

She plays with a strand of my hair, as I admire her flawless face and her flawless eyes. And her flawless lips that she bites in concentration as she flattens my hair.
"Am I handsome now?" I ask with a smile.
"You're always handsome" she says and kisses my nose.
"You're always beautiful" I tell her and brush a bit of hair away from her gorgeous face.
She smiles and kisses my neck softly.

I slide my hand under her tank top, and run fingertips up and down her back.
"That's nice" she sighs and stops kissing me.
She puts her head back down on my chest and her entire body is resting on top of me.

I cover her tiny figure completely with the blankets so she won't be cold.
She closes her eyes and sighs deeply before she falls asleep again.

I feel like this is a bit shitty chapter, but also a little cute. I just needed some fluff because my day sucked and I broke my ankle yesterday which is why I didn't have time to update.
Hope you enjoy this just a little bit!
Next chapter will hopefully have more things going on.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now