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Arhh so I just realized I make weird replies to most of your comments, I just really like replying to you, and like...talk to you...so I hope it's okay!


Nat and I have been thriving the last few months.
We've taken breaks when we needed them, and we've been talking a lot to Rhodey, the talking raccoon - that's still, despite everything I've seen really odd, and then that space captain Carol - also weird. A space Captain?
It actually feels like we're getting somewhere, even though we still don't know how to get everyone back.

I'm looking through some files, like every other day, trying to find some connections between something, but it's hard when I don't even know where I'm trying to find connections.

I let out a frustrated sigh, and look up, just in time to see Nat coming towards the table with two cups of tea and a plate with a peanut butter sandwich - her life line, balancing on her arm.

"Do you need help?" I ask her, putting my files away.
"No I got it, thanks" she says, daring to move her eyes away from her precious sandwich for a second to look at me.
She bites her lip in concentration. "There" she sighs relieved when she's placed all the porcelain pieces safely on the table.

She slides a cup of tea to me before she sits down herself, instantly digging into her sandwich.
"Anything new since I left you 10 minutes ago?" She asks with her mouth full.
"I...you've said this before...you know, talking about trying to get Tony back here, and Thor. Tony and I, may not really be in a good place right now bu-.." I say, but she interrupts.
"Oh? I thought you and Tony were best friends" she chuckles sarcastically.
"Eat your sandwich, My Love" I laugh and shove the sandwich into her mouth.
"Okay, but what were you saying?" She asks when she's swallowed a bite of her sandwich.

"That we need to see if we can get them back, because we definitely need them if we want any shot at this" I say, and take a sip of my tea.
"That's what we've been saying all the time" she shrugs, and finishes her sandwich.

"...and if we can't get Tony, Thor and Clint, and all them back here" Natasha says when we've discussed it further. "Then at least we don't have to explain the dent in the wall behind the bed, or the broken glass panel in the gym to Tony" she continues with a smirk.
"I think we could come up with something for the glass. The bed...probably not" I say.
It's so nice actually talking to Nat again, and we've done that again these past months.
While I do enjoy deepening the dent in the wall a lot, talking to her is even better.
"Yeah, I don't think 'I just move a lot when I'm sleeping' will work on Tony with his perverted mind" she says with a little laugh.

"For all I care, he and everyone can know, that you're my fiancé, and that we have amazing sex" I say, and stroke her cheek with my thumb.
"I'm not your fiancé, not yet" she says, and gets up from her chair, pecking my lips before she takes the plate to the kitchen.



I feel better now in October than I did in July, but I still know, that I'm not being honest with myself.
It has nothing to do with Steve, because I'm more sure about that than anything else in the world.
It's this thing. This 'mission' this war that we've been silently fighting for four and a half years, and that we're nowhere near ending, it's nagging me, it's gotten to my bones, and it's tearing me apart, and I can't tell Steve how bad it's become.

"Love? You were doing it again" Steve says, snapping me out of my hazy state.
"Huh? I was doing what?" I ask and look up, and I realize he's standing next to me.
"You've been doing it a lot lately. Zooming out, and not coming back to reality unless I get you out of it. What were you thinking, My Love?" He asks and puts a hand on my waist.
"I...nothing...it's nothing" I say, casually running my fingers through my hair to state my point.
He looks skeptical. "Okay, just tell me if you want"  he says and gives me a kiss before he puts my plate and a few other plates and cups by the sink, in the the dishwasher.

"Steve?" I ask hesitantly.
"Mm?" He answers, looking at me.
"You...are you good at recruiting...you are, right?" I ask.
I'm running out of ideas. Honestly I have about zero ideas what to do, and we're in desperate need of new minds.
"I mean, I've recruited my fair share of soldiers. But if you're thinking about Tony, then I don't think I can help you. Didn't you recruit him in the first place?" He asks.
"No, no I reported to Fury and Coulson, and when I recruited Banner it was also on Fury's order" I answer.
"So you've never recruited anyone for your own matter?" He asks.
"No, well, I guess I kinda recruited Yelena, Melina and Alexei in Russia, but I don't think that counts" I say.
"Why?" He asks, tilting his head in an annoying therapist-like way.
"Bec-..no, that doesn't matter. It's just...we need to do it together. Because you are good at getting people to do as you say. I mean come on, you're a Captain...and I...well...Tony doesn't hate me as much as he hates you" I say with a little smile.
"So you think..?" He asks.
"Yeah! Let's get started immediately!" I exclaim, a new energy boost rushing through me.
"I have to go somewhere now, but when I get back...then I'm ready" he says, and kisses my cheek, rushing out of the kitchen before I get to ask him where he's going.



I park my Harley in front of a jewelry store.
This new 'plan' has made me realize that I need to get a ring for Nat.

I can't wait for this to be over so I can finally marry her and make her mine forever.

"Hello!" I greet the salesman excitedly.
He gives me a nod in response.
"I'm looking for an engagement ring" I say with a big smile when I say the word engagement.
It feels good to say.
"Anything in particular?" He asks.
"Well, she uses silver, and she likes red" I say.
"Mm...you know everything" he says, but he doesn't really sound like he means it, and he doesn't sound enthusiastic about his job at all.

"...it's perfect! Thank you so much!" I smile when I pay for the ring and return to my Harley.

I grab the box out of the bag and open it, revealing the silver ring with a beautiful red stone.
"She's going to love it" I convince myself, and I find the text I had engraved.
I don't know if it's normal for engagement rings, but I wanted it in Nat's.

I'll Always Love You

I smile at those words, thinking about how I'll after the war will get on one knee, and tell her these true words right before I ask her for real, if she wants to marry me.

I know this chapter is a bit meh, but it's because it's the last or second to last chapter before we're in the Endgame storyline, meaning that this story is actually coming to an end soon.

I'm thinking about doing a sequel depending on how this story ends.
(I haven't quite decided yet)
And if anyone is interested in the sequel, then I'm pretty sure I'll do it, and I'll give you details when this story ends, so just comment if you're interested, because I already have a few ideas.
(It will be different from this story, but obviously with the same main characters and love story. Sue me, Romanogers is my life - actually please don't. I don't have any money😂😐)

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