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I'm standing in front of him. The man that I...the man that I...that I love.
He's looking at me, he's not saying anything, he just looks at me and I start to freak out.
Here I am, showing myself at my most vulnerable and he's just looking at me.

I start freaking out for real. I shouldn't have told him, I should've just choked on my feelings to avoid this. To avoid hurting him, to avoid hurting myself.
But I mean it. I've never meant anything this much in my entire life.
I love him, and I can no longer deny that.

"Come on Rogers, you gotta say something" I say fast. I'm starting to sweat and get anxious.
What if he just realized now that I said it back, that he doesn't actually love me?
"I...you...you...erh...wow" he stammers.
"Give me more of an answer Steve, you're freaking the fuck out of me" I say, my heart beating very hard in my chest.
"Are you for real?" He asks in a whisper.
"No" I say. He hasn't responded in any way that would confirm his love, so now it's time for me to save my ass and get the hell out of here.
"You're not?" He asks with a completely destroyed facial expression.
"No...yes...I...I...love...you, but I don't know what happens next" I admit.
"Then why did you say no?" He asks.
"I don't know" I mumble.
"But you really love me?" He says, a bit of hope can be tracked in his voice.
"Yes" I say loudly. "Yes I love you Steve. I love you and it scares me so much that I could die. God I knew I shouldn't have told you, but I love you. I'm just so...and I don't know...I just know that...that I love you and I want you...only you and I don't care anymore...I don't care that I'm not supposed to love you...that I'm not supposed to love at all...I ju-..." I almost scream, unable to stop myself from going on, but luckily he stops me.
"Natasha! Natasha! Stop, you don't have to say anything more" he says and wraps his arms around me.



My heart is pounding, my head spinning. Hearing her say that...that's the greatest thing I've ever heard.

My mind is still processing as I run my fingers through her hair. She's started sobbing into my chest, small inaudible sobs, I think from stress.

"I'm scared Steve" she says into my bare chest.
"I know. But I'll help you" I say softly and kiss her hair.
She looks up, and into my eyes.
"You will?" She asks.
"Of course I will. I love you, so I'm going to help you" I say.
"Do you think this'll work, you know, us?" She whispers.
"I think we love each other enough to make it work out perfectly" I say to reassure her, to calm her down, but I mean every word.
She nods and puts her lips on mine.



We back into Steve's room, and I close the door behind me.

I pull my head away from the kiss and look at him.
"What happens now?" I ask him. I've never been in a relationship where I actually love the other.
"I don't know, honestly I've never been in a relationship" Steve chuckles.
"Then I guess there's no rules, we can make everything up on our own" I smile.
"So we're official?" He asks and put both hands on my cheeks.
I put my hands around his wrists to keep him as close to me as possible.
"We're official" I say. "But secret!" I exclaim. I can't handle everyone's opinions.
"We're secret, but Wanda knows" he says with a smile.
"She'd know anyways, there's no way she wouldn't read our minds after what she saw in the gym" I say.

We both laugh a little. I don't know about Steve, but I'm nervous and uncomfortable, but still there's no place I'd rather be, and I think he feels the same way.

"I love you" he says again.
"I love you too" I say and our lips meet in a tender kiss, and in this moment there's only us, and I can't even imagine what I would've done if I hadn't told him this.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now