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Endgame storyline starts here!!


September 10th, 2023

I scribble the date on the note block before I open the channel for the others.

I greet them all. Rhodey, Carol, Nebula, Okoye and Rocket.

"Are you seriously eating that same food again?" Rocket comments with a mocking laugh when he sees my peanut butter sandwich in front of me.
"Yes I am, just be happy it's not made of raccoon" I say annoyed, and look at the others before I turn my eyes to look at my notebook.

I don't hear the first part of the conversation, because I spot the picture of Steve from the last time we weren't apart, that I took of him while he was sleeping, drooling and snoring.
I smile a little to myself. He looks cute.

He isn't here right now. We took a break two and a half months ago, and so far it's still a break. It's the longest break we've been on since we decided how our relationship was going to work last year.

"Natasha? Agent Romanoff!" Carol calls, and I look up at her hologram.
"Yes, sorry" I shake my head, forgetting about Steve for a second.

After a long conversation with all of them, and a lot of notes, they all disconnects from the channel. Rhodey disconnects as the last one, after telling me more about Clint's rampage. I know that he's hurting, I just really wish he didn't go around killing everyone.

I can hear my own shaky breath as I try to keep in the tears that I've tried to keep in for far too long.
But I can't. I can't help it. We're still without any hope, and right now I'm without Steve's comfort as well.

"You know, I'd offer to cook you dinner...but you seem pretty miserable already" Steve's voice suddenly sounds, and I force the tears to stay in as I look up at him. He's leaning against a shelf, smiling at me.
"You here to do your laundry?" I ask.
"And to see a friend" he says, still with his smile. Friend...yes...what we call each other every time we're on a break, even though we're practically engaged.
"Clearly, your friend is fine" I say, leaning back into my chair.
He looks down, fiddling with his keys. I know he knows I'm lying.

"You know, I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge" he says, changing the subject.
"In the Hudson?" I ask, knowing that he's just trying to make me think about the positive side, and normally that isn't a bad idea, but losing trillions of creatures isn't normal either.
"There's fewer ships...cleaner water" he says, still with a smile on his face. I get annoyed. I know he cares about the others, but...he...he's...invading my depressed space!

"You know, if you're about to tell me to look on the bright side...um...I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich" I tell him, and I mean it.
"Hmm...sorry...force of habit" he says, and comes joining me at the table.

He sighs deeply as he sits down, and he looks at me for a little while before he says anything.
"You know, I keep telling everybody that they should move on...and grow. Some do...but not us" he says.
"If I move on who does this?" I ask.
"Maybe it doesn't need to be done" he says.
I shake my head. I certainly hope he isn't giving up now.
"I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job, this family...and I was better because of it" I say, and I can't really figure out how he's looking at me. Love? Sympathy? Judgment because I'm on the verge of tears?



I admire her. She's so strong. I don't get it. She's such a tiny little person, and she's so strong.
I should've come back from my 'mission' sooner, but I couldn't. Not when I know that I feel like giving up, and she doesn't.
My mission basically consisted of planning our wedding that'll only happen if we get them back, and dreaming about her and the wedding, so I wouldn't exactly call it a mission.

I look at her from across the table. I'm fighting the urge to run to her side, wipe her tears, hug her tightly, and never let go.

"And even though they're gone..." she says, her eyes red from tears. "...I'm still trying to be better" she continues, and looks up at me.
"I think we both need to get a life" I say, obviously hinting about us getting married, which she knows, because she's Natasha Romanoff.
"You first..." she says, and I don't know if she means me talking about my feelings or me getting a life without her, but she knows I can't get a life without her, and I don't think, well...I don't hope she can get a life without me.

Before I get to ask what she means the surveillance alarm starts chiming, telling us someone's here.
She accepts the call, and that little guy, Scott Lang, appears on the hologram.

After deciding that it's not an old message, that it's right now, and that he might have something, we let him in.
I look at Natasha with a big smile, and she returns the big smile.

"He might have something!" She exclaims excited and runs into my arms, and I embrace her tiny body, for the moment more excited about her in my arms than Lang's possible idea.
"We're good?" I ask, looking at her.
"Uh-huh. I know this is a shit time for everyone. I can't afford losing you because I hold a grudge for you leaving for two and a half months" she says, but she sounds a little mad, but it might just be her sadness being exchanged with excitement so sudden.
"You sound a little mad" I laugh, kissing her hair.
"Maybe I am a little mad. I missed you. Don't leave for that long again" she frowns, and her voice sounds like hers again.
"Couldn't dream of it" I smile, and I descend my head to kiss her lips.

"He-..hello!!" Scott calls over the intercom from the foyer, breaking our kiss.
"Let's go get him" Natasha says calm, but excited.
"Noo! Can't we keep kissing? I don't want Scott to be here if it means I can't kiss you! I want to kiss you Nat!" I whine as she drags me down the hallway.
"Later soldier. If he has something good, I can see myself getting very excited tonight" she smirks, and I instantly stop my whining.
"Okay, maybe I can wait" I say without further thought, but I still manage to give her another kiss before we reach the foyer.

I know a lot of this chapter is taken out of the movie, but it made sense seeing as I was literally watching the scene I've used while I was writing.
I'm already tearing up...I hate Endgame...but I love it...
But I felt like this scene, and scenes that will probably be used in some of the upcoming chapters are pretty essential for the story.
(Well obviously. We've literally been leading up to the Endgame storyline for several chapters)

Anyways! I do hope that you like it, and that you've had/is having/is going to have a good day.

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