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"Are you ready?" Yelena yells from the other side of the door with a knock, which thankfully she's learned, and wakes me up from my slumber.

"Soon" I yell back.
I close my eyes again, and go over the mission details in my head before I decide to wake up Steve.

He sighs deeply and opens his eyes.
"Why did you have to wake me up? I was just dreaming about you" he says with a tired voice and smiles, making me smile too.
"I'm right here. No need to dream" I say and kiss him before I sit up, and stretch my naked body.
"You really are a dream come true" he says with a nod as he looks at me and I smile to myself.
"I love you" I tell him and give him a long kiss before I stand up.

I search for Melina's catsuit in the back of the closet, because it's the only one of my suits not at the compound or at S.H.I.E.L.D.
When I'm dressed in the suit and Yelena's vest, I go back to our bed.

"Get up Captain" I say and kick it, and he raises his head in surprise.
"Love, I had just fallen back to sleep" he says and rubs his eyes.
"I don't care. Get up. We have a chemist to stop" I say and pull his arm.
"Fine" he says and gets out of bed, and with heavy steps walk towards the closet with tired groans.
"You don't usually complain this much before missions" I notice as he puts his suit on.
"Usually I'm not up all night" he smirks and kisses my cheek as he goes to the door with his suit open, giving me a view of those godlike abs.
I bite my lip and grab the hand he's holding out for me to take, and we leave our bedroom.

Yelena is in the kitchen eating a slice of bread, and she looks up when we enter the room.
"Took you long enough" she says with her mouth full.
"We were a bit tired" Steve yawns.
"I wonder why" Yelena shrugs.
"Well...we..." Steve begins, but I silence him by putting a finger on his lips.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her.
"You were just very loud last night. Again..." she says and takes another bite of her bread.
"At least you didn't walk in on us this time" Steve says as we get our gear ready on the kitchen counter.
"Don't remind me that I ever did" Yelena says and shakes her head.



"All packed" Natasha sighs when all our gear is in bags on the counter.
"What'll be our transportation?" I ask.
"Rick will meet us in an alley a couple of blocks away, let's go" Natasha says and looks at her new burner phone before she exits the kitchen with two bags in her hand.

"Who's Rick?" I ask Yelena in a whisper on our way out of the apartment.
"A friend. He can get all kinds of things done" she explains.
"What kind of friend? Boyfriend?" I ask concerned. Nat would've told me if she had a boyfriend after we broke up. Right?
"No idea" Yelena shrugs as we get out on the street.

We all slip into a little alley by our apartment building to not draw attention to the shield on my back and the insane amount of weaponry poking out through our bags, and we walk in the dark alleys that smells like pee.

"He's bringing a suit for me too, right? Because I don't have one" Yelena asks Natasha after a while of walking through the puddles of sewer water.
"I don't know actually. But I can definitely persuade him to get you one in an instant" she smirks.
I don't know this guy, but I want to punch him.
She's mine!

"Don't complain okay? I got the best I could" a man with a slight British accent says when we turn a corner.
"I'm sure it's not as bad as the helicopter you got us" Natasha chuckles and hugs him.

I take two big steps towards her and put my arm around her while Yelena hugs the guy too.
"Hey man. You're Captain America. Nice to meet you! I'm Rick" he says and holds out his hand for me to shake when he's let go of Yelena.
I hesitantly shake it, while pulling Natasha closer.
She is mine, and he must understand that.

"So what have you got for us?" Natasha asks, but I hold onto her.
She looks at me. "What's going on? Let me go check out what we have" she says.
"Right, sorry, sorry My Love" I say, and glance angrily at Rick showing my Nat a car.

"Are you jealous?" Yelena suddenly asks next to me and dump a gym bag on the concrete.
"Me? No! Why would you...why would you think that?" I ask her, my voice getting lower and lower the further into my sentence I get.
"Because I think you want to kill Rick" she says.
"No not kill, I just...erh...do you think...erh...that...erh...Natasha likes that guy more than me?" I ask.
"Ha! He wishes" she chuckles and shakes her head.
I sigh relieved. "So you don't think that she's going to do anything with him?" I ask her quietly.
"Don't ask me about relationship, I know nothing. But judging by the noises coming from your bedroom, I think no" she frowns and picks up her gym bag again, and walks away.

After 15 minutes Rick finally leaves, and Nat, Yelena and I are on our way to the latest location we've figured that woman could be.



"Why did you act all weird in the alley?" I ask and look at Steve when we're off a bridge.
"Because he was jealous" Yelena says before he gets the chance to say anything.
"Jealous?" I ask confused. "Of what?"
"Rick" Yelena answers.
"Rick? Seriously?" I smile amused.
"I've just never really seen you with a man after you and I got together" he mumbles.
"What about Sam? We slept in the same bed at the motel" I say.
"But that's Sam" he explains.
I chuckle. "You really were jealous? For real? You, Steven Grant Rogers?" I ask. How can he get jealous over that? I mean...it's pretty hot...the jealousy...but...
"Yes. You're just so perfect, and he couldn't have known that you're mine" he says.
"Well, I know that I'm yours, ain't that enough?" I say.
"I know it too" Yelena says disgusted from the backseat.
"You could've just knocked! It's your own fault that you saw it!" I laugh.

"So you're really not in love with him?" Steve says wondering, changing the subject back.
"No Captain. I'm not, I'm only in love with you" I say. "Do you think I'd let you fuck my brains out AND cuddle with me afterwards if I wasn't in love with you?" I ask him.
"NO! Don't talk about that! I've seen enough!" Yelena exclaims from the backseat, covers her ears and close her eyes.
I laugh at her and speeds up, and I can feel Steve smiling at me.
"I love you" he says when we hit the highway.
I smile at him. "I love you" I say.

So I know that this chapter may be a bit boring, but we needed a chapter connecting everyday-life and the mission in a somewhat smooth way. The next one'll be better. I promise!
(And we don't know if something traumatic will happen?;))

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now