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We're in the middle of discussing what to do with Vision, and the Soul Stone when Okoye's kimoyo beads starts trilling.

"Something's entered the atmosphere" she says as a warning, and within minutes space ships crash into the shield protecting this part of Wakanda, and the part of land just outside.

Explosions roars in the - before so quiet landscape - and makes the entire shield shake.

"It's too late, we need to destroy the stone now" Vision says. He's in quite pain, in whatever way that's possible considering he's a robot.
I turn away from the window and look at him.
"Vision, get your ass back on the table" I tell him.
"We will hold them off" T'Challa announces and gets ready to leave the room with Okoye and the rest of the soldiers from the Doja Milaje.
"Wanda, as soon as that stone's out of his head...you blow it to hell" Steve says to Wanda with a telling nod.
Wanda looks scared and sad, but with tears in her eyes she still finds a steady voice.
"I will" she says.

"Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses" T'Challa orders on his way out. He turns to Steve.
"And get this man a shield" he orders before he leaves the room.

We rush to what's about to become a battle field, and the Wakandan armies takes their formation.

T'Challa, Steve and I meet the alien people by the border of the shield.
"Where's your other friend?" I ask the alien-chick with horns, knowing well that he's dead.
"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone" she says determined.
"That's not gonna happen" Steve says.
"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood" T'Challa says.
"We have blood to spare" she says, awfully calm, and then she performs some order with her weapon and the giant ships behind her starts moving.

We return to our soldiers, and stop next to Bucky.
"They surrender? He asks.
"Not exactly" Steve says, and before we know it the place is flooding with animal-like aliens.

"I love you" I whisper to Steve, because we might die, and I can't die knowing that telling Steve I love him wasn't the last thing I said to him.
"I love you more" he whispers back and gives my hand a squeeze.

Let the fight begin. I ain't scared of some nasty aliens.
Thanos, he's the problem.



We're fighting Thanos' army, but there's so many aliens that it seems like a lost cause.
I have no idea where everyone is, I only have few of my allies in sight, but what worries me the most is where Nat is, and where Bucky is. They're on the battlefield, doing everything they can, but where?

Suddenly a ray of light followed by a massive light tunnel appears, and a weapon with cackling electricity flies out of it.
Thor's here.

The weapon that looks like an axe takes out at least a hundred aliens - including the ones who were about to eat me - before it returns and the light tunnel disappears revealing Thor surrounded by a raccoon with a gun and...a tree?

The battleground freezes momentarily and I look at Thor, and I'm prouder than ever to be somewhat of a friend of his.

The electricity is like it's coming out of him.
"Bring me Thanos!" He shouts and runs towards the aliens with the raccoon and the tree just behind him.

I'll Always Love You - A Romanogers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now