Chapter 1: Stiles P.O.V.

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Jackson and I are heading to save Scott. That's right I did say Jackson the only reason he's here is because Roscoe is still in the shop, so Jackson offered the Porche and of course I'm driving. 

We're heading to the hale house in order to barbecue a murderous alpha werewolf who just so happens to have been the one who bit Scott and also happens to be Derek's uncle and we're going to torch him . . . Again . . . Technically. 


We pull up I jump out the driver side and throw the vial that Jackson and I created to torch that 7-foot monstrosity, but it caught it. 

Thankfully with Scott's quick thinking and throwing Allison her bow so she could hit it which she did, so it combusted, and he caught fire. 

Jackson then finally caught on and threw his vial at the monster wolf and as the werewolf known to Derek as Peter his uncle, he surprisingly with a clawed hand slashes Peter's throat and announces with glowing red eyes "I'm the Alpha now."

With that everyone stands in shock with what the hell just happened. Nobody was Prepared for what happened next because as Scott gave this look me when he got a call, the look that told me that I'm in for it now.

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