Chapter 4: Stuart P.O.V.

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It's Monday morning, Stiles and I just went downstairs for breakfast before school. Dad made us scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and sausage. But of course, Dad already left for work by the time Stiles, and I got up, after we ate, Stiles and I got in his cj5 baby blue jeep and Stiles drove us to school

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We pulled up and got out, we saw Scott pull up and park his light green and white with black motorbike so we walk over to him and both at the same time "Hey Scott" Scott looks at us as he is pulling off his helmet and says "oh, hey Stiles, Hey Stuart, how's it going" 

I answer with "It's a green light" Scott looks at me with a puzzled look so I explain "Well you asked how's it going and you can't go without the green light otherwise it's a no go." Scott and Stiles look at each other and start cracking up and they both say as they're laughing... "What..."


It's now history class with Mr. Yukimura, Kira's dad. It's been hard to focus on anything thanks to the ability to hear anything and everything. Chemistry was especially hard cause not only was I not able to focus but the smells, the smells were so unbearable it was actually making me a little sick to my stomach. 


The bell just rang and {omg don't get me started on how much that bell ringing hurts, ouch anyway} its now lacrosse practice, Stiles, Scott, and I haven't been the best, but maybe being a werewolf means I'll finally be on the board. 


I get on the field and lineup I'm in front of Jackson, it's now my turn, I run, I dodge, and I throw the ball and I score, {Wait I scored no way I scored, with Scott as goalie, Scott the werewolf as goalie, YES!! no freaking way} 

I run to Stiles "did you see that I scored one!" Stiles replies "yeah I saw, that was awesome!" That when coach calls out my last name and jersey number "Stilinski 42 get over here!!" 

{I'm so dead, I'm so dead, I'm so dead} "yeah coach" what he tells me shocks me "for all my years that I've worked here never, and I mean NEVER did I think I would ever say this, think this, or even consider it especially about a Stilinski. But... welcome to the team you made first line congratulations. At least this proves that not all of the Stilinski's are horrible at sports and to think it's Stiles own twin that owned him that's just priceless. Anyway, remember don't be late for practices and most importantly don't be late for the game this Friday" 

I'm staring shocked and surprised, but I snap out of it and say, "thanks coach, and I one hundred percent agree, u got it, I won't let you down."


Finally, time to go home I get in the passenger side of the jeep while Stiles gets in the driver side, and he starts the jeep after a few tries it starts and we drive off toward home.

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