Chapter 14: Stiles P.O.V.

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The ambulance finally arrives at the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital I jump out as they wheel Stuart through the doors and into the hospital hallway where we are met with a lot of doctors and nurses along with one, I notice immediately in the crowd Melissa McCall aka Scott's mom. 

She of course takes charge thankfully and Stuart is immediately taken into a room where they hook him up to the machine so they could monitor him. Soon after that Scott runs in and stops next to me. His mom comes up to us and asks, "Do either of you want to explain what the Hell happened to him." 

I look at her and answer what I know which probably won't help even if Scott answered too, again probably won't help. She just looks at us with an unreadable expression she finally speaks, and I don't like what she says "We're going to do everything we can. But I'm sorry to say that I'm deeply concerned about his condition as such we're going to do the works blood test, MRI's and much more. I'll let you know as soon as I know anything, until then you'll have to wait. I think you know where the waiting room is." 

She leaves and goes straight to Stuart's room not looking back and I decide that she's probably right, so I start towards the waiting room with Scott right behind me


I don't know how long it's been, but Melissa shows up and she walks over to me with Scott right there and I'm fearing the absolute worst after what feels like forever, she finally speaks and says "You can see him now but just know that whatever happened can't happen again. He has a concussion so you have to keep a close eye on him for at least one to three days other than that he's fine, but I advise him to stay home until the concussion is gone and I would like for You and Stuart to come check in every day until I medically announce him healthy and with no signs of a concussion do we understand each other" 

I answer immediately "Yes, absolutely. Is there anything else I should know beforehand." She shakes her head no and we head to Stuart's room. Melissa opens the door and I walk in and up to where Stuart is laying down and I say "Hey Stuart you doing OK now" 

Stuart replies "not anymore I was doing just fine before you had to ruin my peace and quiet. Can I help you with anything." I just about slapped him. but I decided against it " Well I was a little worried about you, but I can see your fine now so how about we find out how to get you released and sent home." 

Stuart looks at me with wide eyes, a shocked with worried expression that was somehow hard to read at the same time "Stiles what do you mean released and sent home, did I do something illegal? I'm I in prison? As the only way out is to get released and sent home with a probation anklet!" 

As Stuart says all that I'm thinking to myself {it's just his concussion talking, speak to him as if he's a three year old} "No Stuart you are not in prison you're in the hospital and they say you have a concussion so I have to keep my eyes on you to make sure you and your concussion don't get into trouble so I'm going to go find out if we can get you home. I'll be right back." 

I leave the room to find Melissa right outside the room so I walk up to her and ask if we can release him Melissa explains that she already tried to call our dad, but it goes straight to voice mail, so I explain as best as I possibly can why dad wasn't answering and ask if by any chance, I could sign the release forms as I'll be the one to watch him. 

She says that might work so she leaves me for just a moment and comes back with a sheet of paper and she tells me exactly how this will work. She also pulls out another sheet of paper but this one is a bit thicker and she explains that this is to help with taking care of someone with a concussion she tell me that signing this means that I am responsible for whatever happens after he's discharged that as soon as I sign they are no longer eligible to care for him that it is my responsibility to make sure he gets whatever is needs that he is brought in for a checkup. 

She also hands me a letter that explains and states that Stuart and Stiles are excused from all classes for one to three days for it will determine based on Stuart health for he can't be home alone, and their father is working for the duration of the one to three days of care thank you for your understanding signed Melissa McCall and Dr. Gardner. 

 She says that she'll hand this to Scott when he goes to school so that way, I don't have to worry about it so with that I sign the paper and Stuart and I head over to my jeep. 

I hear Scott, I turn around and he finally catches up to me and tosses me the keys and I see he already got his bike as he get on his bike, put his helmet on and starts up his bike and rides away I watch for as long as I can then I head over to the driver side and hop in the seat and start the jeep with Stuart looking out the window again. 

I back out and start towards the exit of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital parking lot and down the road towards home.

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