Chapter 55: Stuart P.O.V.

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We just pull into the driveway of the house and we all get out and head in the door. I ask as the torture chair guy that I now know his is name is apparently Stiles shuts the front door behind him. "Umm question, where I'm I going to sleep?" He speaks up before the Sheriff can say a word " you can take my brothers bed he's in oregon for an internship." His dad looks at him but he's facing away from me all I see is Stiles wink and I speaks breaking the silence making them both look at me and when they do they totally have a look of someone innocent and obviously not hiding something " Oh. Are you sure he won't mind?" This so called Stiles answers " nooo he won't mind, besides he's not using it." I think it over and as long as he won't mind and besides like he said he's not using it. I respond "alrighty, lead the way." He leads me up the stairs to the room when he suddenly seem annoyed as I see his hands that he put behind him and rubing them together he then speak to me when we get to the top of the stairs " here we are." As he points to a bed he says " this is the bed you'll be sleeping in." He then point to another bed "if your not okay with me sleeping over there I can sleep downstairs on the couch." I reply rubbing my neck as I'm not really sure I mean I don't want to kick him out of his own room just so I'm comfortable "umm, uuhh." I'm looking at my feet hearing him speak " Hey it's fine I've slept on the couch more than enough times. Besides I'll have access to the kitchen. You'll have access to the the bathroom." He says pointing at the door that leads to it. I looks up and say shyly as I'm relieved that he understood "thanks." He tell me "no problem, but I have to run an errand, Will you be okay?" I answers " yeah I think I will." He smiles at me with a weird face like he's forcing a smile trying to make it more genuine then it looks and says " Alright, I'll be back in a few hours. See you later." I say as he turns to walk down the stairs " thanks again . . . Stiles" I'm still not intirely sure that is in fact his actual name but to my surprise he responds back " Any time Stuart." I answer by waving goodbye while smiling. He waves back and starts going down the stairs to the front door somehow I can hear his key jangling and the doornob turning as while as footsteps as he walks down the drive to more likely his car and starting it up. I then hear him leave the drive and head off to only God knows where

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