Chapter 51: Stuart P.O.V.

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Not long after does the nurse lady come back with the dudes and asks "So have you decided." I tell her "Yes . . .yes I have." The three people in the room look at me tentatively waiting for my answer but first I ask the nurse lady "Nurse lady can I ask you something?" The nurse lady steps forward answering "of course, what is it?" I ask her " just so I know exactly what my options are I want to clarify and repeat the options." She tells me " alright we're listening." I continue " so my options are staying here or going and staying with torture chair guy that seems familiar but regardless is still a stranger. But if I choose to stay here I won't be able to leave as I don't know of anyone who could sign me out and I'm not 18 or older. Sound right to you nurse lady?" She speaks again " Yes Stuart that's correct . . . So what's it going to be." I ask one more thing as I'm confused about how I would be able to be released and go with torture chair guy "I need one more thing that needs an answer." She says " oh okay, ask away." I ask my question " how will this work if I choose to go with torture chair guy, how and why could or would it work." She answers " well. . . . . I'm your nurse so I have the overall say other than you on whats best for you and as my patient I'm responsible for your care and well-being if you feel it better to stay with someone who could help other than me in a stable environment other than the hospital, then I can authorize it. But it has to be your choice, you have to feel comfortable and safe with whatever choose or wherever you are. If you feel safe here, then stay, but if you feel you want to give staying with as you call him torture chair guy then do that, you can always come back if you don't feel safe there. I could even give you my number if you want to talk about anything." I'm listening carefully taking in everything she said and I say after thinking some more " I think I want to try going with torture chair guy. . . . . . but I want your number. . . . . Just in case. " She looks at me and writes on a piece of paper ripping it off and handing it too me saying "that my personal number call it whenever you need me." I give her a small smile and say "thank you." She tells me " Your welcome Stuart and you can call me Melissa or nurse Mccall." I say " oh alright thank you Melissa." She smiles at me and tells me " okay I'm going to be right back, torture chair guy and I are going to call his dad to have you released." I put a thumbs up while smiling as they slip out the door leaving me with the other guy.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The door finally opens and in comes torture chair guy, Melissa and who must be torture chair guy's dad. I can't help but notice that torture chair guy's dad had a uniform on and not just any uniform, it's a police uniform. When torture chair police dad speaks " So . . . Stuart you'll be staying with me and my son Stiles." Ohhh so torture chair guy's name is . . . .wait did he just say. . . Did he even speak English. "What. . . who. . . What kind of name is . . . Styles." Torture chair guy speaks confusing me more " it's a nickname, as my real name is too difficult to pronounce for its a polish name." I once again I am confused as that make sense and doesn't at the same time. I decide to just plan ignore him and answer the police dad "yes police man." The police man looks at his son . . . . . "Stiles" and looks back to me stating " I already signed the release forms so let's get going." I hop off the hospital bed and walk up to the police man seeing that he's also not just cop he's . . . A sheriff. But I keep walking, walking out the door and soon the Sheriff follows suit and walks ahead of me leading the way. We walk until we get to the parking lot and he tells me and Stiles " Stuart, Stiles you guys go in the jeep and follow me to the house." As soon as I see the jeep I bee line to it waiting and soon I get in the back as we leave the parking lot to head to as the Sheriff stated "the house" wherever that is.

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