Chapter 5: Stiles P.O.V.

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It's the full moon tonight which means Stuart is going to turn so I'm actually pretending to sleep so I can quickly get up if I need to . . . ooh no I heard the bathroom door shut I need to go see if there's anything wrong but first I'm going to text Scott cause you never know

S:《 Hey Scott can you maybe come over I think Stuart might be turning and by might I mean most definitely so get here like now cause he's barricaded himself in our bathroom and if he has Wolfed out I might become his next meal》 S.M:《O.M.W.》 S:《 see u soon》 

but I knew I couldn't wait for Scott so I knock on the door and call out " Hey Stuart you OK buddy" I wait and a little bit after I hear the doorknob being turned I look to the bathroom door and I see Stuart but just a part of him as he has only opened the door a crack so I ask again "Stuart are you OK" 

I inch closer slowly as I tell Stuart "Hey it's OK, your OK. I texted Scott he's on his way. If you want, I could go back to my bed and sit down, but you have to keep that door open, deal." For the first time Stuart looks at me and I see his werewolf eyes, the glowing gold. 

All Stuart does in response is nod but I retreat back to my bed and sit down as soon as I do Stuart follows through and opens the door and leans on the doorframe once I'm all the way back to my bed. 

Other than moving to lean on the doorframe and of course the obvious blinking and breathing same with me of course but other than that not much else, that is until I get a text from Scott. 

But before I even got the text or even look at the text, Stuart starts acting weird, as in he starts shifting from one foot to the other like he's uncomfortable and then right before I get the text from Scott, he starts gripping the sides of the doorway like he might attack or maybe he's just overwhelmed, {but what do I know I'm not a Werewolf} 

So, after I got the text, I sent a be careful just in case Scott sent always. Scott comes in the door and Stuart immediately went into an attack/defensive stance and starts growling at Scott, Scott moved a little bit and suddenly Stuart lunged at Scott attacking him and Scott wolfed up to defend himself while I'm staring there horrified and completely dumbfounded. 

I finally find the will to snap out of it and snap out "Hey!! Stop that! Right now!!" I clap my hands together while saying this to get my point across and hopefully get these two rampaging Werewolves to stop fighting each other and hope it doesn't go sideways. 

Luckily it worked and they both stop. Stuart goes to his bed and curls up on top of the comforter. Scott on the one hand just reverts back to human form and has a super shocked but very worried look on his face so I say "Scott everything is under control now. My twin is safe, you guys are no longer fighting, and I have startled you to the extent of you shifting back, so my life is officially complete. Thank you for coming and Stuart and I will see you tomorrow thanks again Scott, really thanks for nearly killing each other when you were supposed to help out not make things worse, so I'll see you tomorrow, Scott." 

With that Scott looked at me and one last time at Stuart and said goodbye and left, now it's just me and Stuart, {Lucky me.}

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