Chapter 6: Stuart P.O.V.

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It's the Full Moon and I feel very, very uncomfortable I just keep rolling over from my back to my side to my other side to my stomach to my back again to my side, back to my stomach to my side to my back once again I just can't seem to get comfortable gah, I need to put some water on my face. I get up to go to our bathroom and shut the door turn the water on and put my hands in the running water and splash some water on my face. 

I grab a towel and dab my eyes so I can look in the mirror I look in the mirror and as soon as I do I'm curious like what the hell, that's when I hear a knock at the door it has to be Stiles who else would it be, then the person speaks "Hey Stuart you OK buddy" 

I was right, then as I'm reaching for the doorknob, I feel this sharp burning pain shoot from my hand to the ends of my fingers so I open the door but just a crack and I look at my hand to see claws where my nails should be it was as if I let my nails grow and then cut them diagonally on both sides to make them pointed. 

I then feel a weird sensation in my gums like a tickle - itch feeling, I realized when I reached up with a clawed hand, I discovered I have FANGS! "Stuart are you OK" 

Holy crap I forgot . . . . Wait where I'm I again. "I texted Scott he's on his way if you want I could go back to my bed and sit down but you have to keep that door open, deal" 

{I think I'm okay with that except I'm not sure if I can talk so when I open the door I'll just stay in the doorway and I'll nod yes just so Stiles knows that I agree} 


{So far, it's pretty chil . . . Wait a second I smell something... Wait not something, someone . . . . Scott.} 


Scott comes in the door, and I can't help but growl {he's on my turf acting like he owns the place and then he tries going toward my brother, NOT on my Watch!!} 

As Scott and I fight, Stiles is standing there, his heartbeat is rapid fast like he ran a marathon all of a sudden, I hear a very loud voice followed by an equally loud clap that stated "Hey!! Stop that!! Right Now!!" 

So, I do I like to think it's because of how loud Stiles was being but, in all honesty, I think deep down it wasn't just because of the loud noise it was because of the one making the loud noise. 

So deep down I knew that Stiles was the one who said it, not just me but my wolf did too, for now I'm just going to go to sleep and see what tomorrow brings.

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