Chapter 10: Stuart P.O.V.

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Stiles and I are getting ready for another day of torture I mean school aka hell on earth as Stiles, and I finish getting ready there's a knock at the door out of the corner of my eye I see Stiles turn around and face the door I roll my eyes and smirk to myself, I love being a werewolf. 

One cause the hearing, the speed and all the abilities. Two I don't actually need my glasses anymore I can see perfectly fine, but we haven't told dad yet so if I stop wearing them, he could get suspicious and the fact that my glasses even though Noone will admit it. 

It was a blessing to everyone else because they could finally tell who's who. So, I leave my glasses on. Not only for others but for me. I hated when others mistook me for Stiles because it was like I didn't exist but when I got glasses only family knew and could finally tell us apart. 

But everyone else. Well, they still think I'm Stiles, but they say, "Stiles when did you get glasses, how long have you had them" and so on. Another advantage of being a werewolf is that noone can sneak up on you I knew dad was coming up I also had an inkling that he was coming up to talk with us I mean he already was ready for going somewhere maybe I don't know... Work. 

I turn around and Stiles and I say at the same time "What's up Pops." Dad smiles at that and he replies, "Well I have to hand in to work and I won't be home tonight, I actually won't be back for three days." 

I notice out of my peripheral vision Stiles looking my way and I see we share the same shocked expression. I'm hurt and somewhat angry and upset and in shock and finally I find my voice and apparently so does Stiles cause we both say at the same time "What.... What do you mean three days." 

Dad retorts with, " look I know it's a long time, but I just thought you both should know, and No I can't tell you anything." Stiles replies "Well if you need to be gone that long, it must be serious." 

Dad looks to Stiles with some look I couldn't read but Stiles must have. Dad speaks again and his face is readable again and says " I'm just worried, I've never been gone this long. Are you boys going to be ok." Stiles answers "Dad seriously, yeah, I'll be fine, I have both Scott and Stuart." Dad then looks to me with his knowing look. 

I answer "Yeah, whatever." As I'm seriously pissed off why would he say Scott before me. Well, I'm going to find out, I want . . . No . . . I need to know why. Dad says, "okay then, I love you both, and Stuart don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone, I'll be back in three days and I want this house in the same condition I left it in, three-days that's it, until then I love you both." 

Dad leaves out the door and down the stairs I use my wolf hearing, so I hear him grab his keys, open the door and closing it, I hear him walking and the car door opening and closing. I hear the car start up and drive down the driveway and down the street. 

I walk up to Stiles who is gathering the last of his things and putting them in his backpack and swing it on his right shoulder then turns around and I ask with an upset and hurt look " why did you mention me AFTER Scott, what I'm I to you, a second fiddle." 

Stiles starts cracking up and I breathe in to try and calm myself down but instead it does the opposite as I sense how much Stiles can't take this seriously and that just sent me through the roof, and I feel like I'm about to burst so I huff out and walk towards the door. I walk out of our bedroom door, down the stairs and I open the front door. 

I shut it loud enough that Stiles would hear, and I open the passenger side door of Stiles 1980 cj5 baby blue jeep and hop in the seat. I feel the wolf like it's already on the verge of escape. Like it's seeping through the cracks, slowly creeping out, wanting me to let it through. 

So, it could help me release the anger, but I knew that wouldn't help. I then realized something what if I already started to wolf out so I pull down the sun visor and opened it so I could see the mirror and I see my glowing gold wolf eyes, so I close my eyes and take deep breathes when I feel calmer, I slowly open my eyes, my eyes are back to their normal honey brown color. 

I put the visor up quickly as I hear Stiles nearing the front door with his keys, so I cross my arms across my chest in hopes it will get my point across. I look out the passenger side window as Stiles opens the front door and walks down to the driver side of his jeep and opens the door, hopping in while tossing both of our bags in the back. 

He then looks to me for a bit then looks to start the jeep and backs out of the driveway. I can't help but wonder what he's thinking, whether or not he understands that I was being serious, and I'm actually still upset just not enough or to the extent of wolfing out at least I hope not, I just hope that today no one tries to push my buttons, or I don't know what might happen. 

I push these thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on the scenery as we head off towards the hell on earth know as Beacon Hills High School.

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