Chapter 28: Stiles P.O.V.

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It's time to begin the experiment. I tell Stuart who is still reading that I'm gonna lie down and try to get some sleep. Stuart says "Whatever Stiles! Do Whatever the Hell you want! I DON'T CARE!" {Whoa what's wrong with him, what did I do.} 

I'll have to worry about that later for now it's time to test this out. With Scott sleeping on the floor in between my bed and Stuart's, he has the perfect spot to observe us, Scott interrupts my thoughts " Sweet dreams Stiles." I tell him "Thanks you, you too." 

I get in bed and ask Stuart "Hey Stuart. What are you going to do?" Stuart doesn't say anything until he put his book on the bookshelf and grabbing the third book in the maze runner trilogy the death cure does he say "I'm gonna read this. Until I feel like going to bed or if I get hungry whichever comes first." 

I look at Scott and I immediately look back up to Stuart and tell him "Alright well Sweet dreams to you Stuart." Stuart replies " like I said Stiles Whatever! And will you just go to sleep already so I don't have to talk to you. So, I can finally enjoy the music that is my own voice. 

I'd very much appreciate it." {The nerve . . . Well, I better just get to sleep.} I've been laying on my bed I don't know how long but throughout my trying to sleep I also try to get comfortable, but I just can't seem to get comfortable I keep moving around a bit more, but I soon give up and decide to just get up. 

I also realize I need to use the bathroom, so I go to our bedroom bathroom and after I open the door and I notice Scott's gone I look at the desk and see Stuart's gone too, but then I remembered Stuart saying he was gonna read until he got tired or hungry whichever came first. 

I look at where Stuart's bed is and there he sleeps, but then Scott. I don't want to wake him but I'm worried for Scott, so I walk over to Stuart's bed side and tap his shoulder and whisper shout at him "Stuart, Stuart Scott's gone. I need your help." 

Stuart is showing no signs of hearing one word I said that's when I get an idea. I go over to our tall shelf with lots of games, books, and etc. But there's this one item on the shelf that I'm specifically looking for when I find it, I go back over to Stuart and put it near his ear and I'm just thinking that this will really hurt his ears especially since he's a werewolf. 

At first, I hesitate but soon I get over my fear. But right as I was about to push the button to the air-horn Stuart speaks up " STILES! DON'T!!! YOU!! EVEN! THINK ABOUT IT!!!" I yell back "STUART!!! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! Why didn't you say anything!!!" Stuart responds groggy "If you have to know. I DONT CARE!!!"

I'm staring at Stuart still lying in bed with the covers over his head I get this overwhelming feeling of dread, fear, and worry that pulls me to yank the covers off him. I sure wish I left them alone, for it's not Stuart under them but Void laying there smirking up at me and he sits up staring at me and he gets up now standing in front of me still smirking and finally speaks "Well, well Stiles. Just curious do know the answer to your own riddle." 

The Realization hits me like a baseball against a bat maybe even just the bat directly hitting me in the stomach. I realized that I'm still possessed I was never not possessed. He never left. Like . . . Like . . . . Void finishes the sentence "Like a shadow for everyone has it but Noone can lose it. You can't lose me Stiles. I'm your shadow." 

I'm just staring at him I don't know what to say when he speaks again "I know what you can say." I can barely muster up the words to speak so it come out as barely a whisper, barely auditable. "What?" His smirk grows if that was even possible and speaks, smirk never letting up "repeat after me . . . I . . . Let . . You . . . . In!" 

He says this with a tone that tells me that he's warning me to choose my next words carefully. I feel lost, weak, and defeated. I feel I should just do as he says but if I do what will happen to me, what will hap. . . . 

Void again interrupts "Don't worry about anything I'll take care of everything you don't need to move one bit. The only thing I need from you is those four words" . . . . I think over what he just said, and I've made my choice.

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