Chapter 58: Stiles P.O.V.

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I'm just walking into the bar. I walk up to the bartender asking for a jack daniel's. He looks at me then "identification please?" I roll my eyes handing him my ID. He look it over handing it back then hands me my drink. I drink it looking around when Void speaks "I hope you remember you can't actually get drunk. But what you can do is feed on every person in here slowly gaining more power. So let the chaos begin." I smirk again asking in my mind "how exactly do we do that?" I can practically feel him smirking as he says "well there is many ways to cause chaos but that slowly decreases if it doesn't include killing. Some of the non killing options are but not limited to bar fighting, fighting in general, rumor spread, and ect. So any of those work?" I think those could actually be fun "yeah let's do all the above." I turn back to the bartender asking "Hey I heard a few rumors floating around. My question,  are some of them true?" He puts his arms and elbows on the table leaning closer to try and whisper "umm well thing is I've only been here for like almost 2 weeks but I've heard some pretty messed up things." I pretend to interested "Really!? Like what?" He looks around like he's checking to insure Noone listening "well I was once told by someone that supposedly the animal deaths could actually not be. Thinking an unseen creature is responsible. Another one is that that group over there." He points discreetly and continues talking "are a bunch of cheaters. As in they cheat within their own group. The ones dancing with one another are in relationships with each other." I say back "really and none of them are aware of it?" He thinks for a second about whether or not to tell me most likely "yes apparently not." I say "well thanks for talking with me, here." I pull out my wallet when "no, no, no it's on the house. If you do one thing for me?" I don't see why not if all I have to do is one thing to get a free drink that doesn't even affect me "alright. Why not. What is it?" He motions me closer once I do he says "thing is I like someone but I can't bring myself to ask them out and stuff. So do you think you could help me out?" I guess I could try "sure man. who is it?" He points to the another bartender who is a hot girl around his age being 21+ "alright here's what I'm going do. I'm gonna walk over there and sit down. I'll talk with her and ask her a few questions and in between questions I'll ask for example her type if she'd date a fellow employee and ect. Sound like a plan?" He shakes his head and says "umm what do I do?" I answer him "You chill here and I'll come back to relay the information and you do what you want worh it." He shakes his head again. I sit in the chair right infront of her. Her back is to me as she's cleaning a glass slowly turning and jumping up seeing me. I feed off her feeling of slight fear. I smirk at her asking "so you come here often?" She looks at me funny asking "why?" Still smirking I answer "cause it looks like you do but I just thought I'd ask." She continues to looks at me but now with a curious face saying "well you'd be correct, I do come here often." I then ask "so I'm curious if you like someone but they were a fellow employee would you still date them?" She has a look that tells me she's thinking she finally answers "umm yeah I would if I like them I don't see any problem with it." I ask a different question "alright tell me about you. Can you do any tricks?" She smiles she doesn't speak but starts to do complicated things with the drinks pouring me one. She speaks after sliding the drink over to me. "Is that what you mean?" I giving her a mischievous smirk asking "well. What did you think I meant other than that?" She returns my mischievous look with her own saying "well I've seen many different types of people and to honest this isn't my only job." She pulls out a card handing it to me. I look to see a strip club call the moon wolf. I ask "speaking of type. What's yours?" She looks at me thinking "I know what your doing by the way. Tell Jack to talk to me. That if he wants to date me then man up and do it himself. But to honest he's not my type." I shake my head pulling out my wallet but she puts her hand on mine preventing me from handing her the money. "Why don't you give me money when I give you a good time. I'm off work in 1 hour to go to my other job. Come with me and I'll give you a run for you money." I got so turned on I tell her "alright but first I need to go tell . . Jack the bad news." She say "no, let me." She walks down and I listen in feeding from them. She comes back saying "Come on, let's go" she grabs my hand leading me out. She asks me when we get to the parking lot "you drive right?" I answer "yeah I do." I shake my keys infront of her she trys going for them but I pull them away before she could and tell her "whoa, whoa, whoa. Noone drives but me." She pouts stating "you've been drinking." I roll my eyes "yes I've been drinking but I'm not drunk." She tells me crossing her arms "then prove it." I do everything. Walking, finger tip to finger tip, talking. She soon sighs saying "alright fine. Let's go." We get in the jeep and head towards the moon wolf.

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