Chapter 15: Stuart P.O.V.

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I hear lots of commotion, loud noises, and lots of different sounds like beeping, people running and talking; as well as a few voices that sound familiar. 

I keep hearing things, but I just can't pinpoint what it is I'm hearing I think I hear a female voice, through the duration of her talking it slowly starts to become clearer. I realize the woman who has been speaking is Melissa, Scott's mom. 

I try to open my eyes to see what's going on, a revelation hits me I'm in the hospital, but I can't seem to remember why. So, I give up on trying to remember and just focus on trying to wake up. I finally open my eyes and I speak to Melissa who jumps in surprise and asks me how I feel. 

I look at her and ask "Why am I here? I feel fine." She looks at me funny and asks back "What's the last thing you remember?" I answer "Well the last thing I remember is... I suppose Stiles giving me my bag and seeing Scott pull up." 

She looks at me with a weird expression that I can't really read and tells me that I most likely have a concussion, as well as some form of amnesia and that she's going to go get Stiles. She leaves the room and sometime later I hear footsteps as they approach the door, the door opens and one of the two walk up to me and says, "Hey Stuart you doing okay now." 

I feel like something is telling me to give a sarcastic answer, so I reply " Not anymore, I was doing just fine before you had to ruin my peace and quiet. Can I help you with anything." Stiles speaks back and states "Well I was a little worried about you, but I can see your fine now so how about we find out how to get you released and sent home." 

I just about fell off the gurney I stare at Stiles as I reply with worry in my voice "Stiles what do you mean released and sent home, did I do something illegal? I'm I in prison? As the only way out is to get released and sent home with a probation anklet!" 

As I look at Stiles, he finally speaks to me and says "No Stuart you are not in prison you're in the hospital and they say you have a concussion, so I have to keep my eyes on you to make sure you and your concussion don't get into too much trouble so I'm going to find out how to get you released and sent home. I'll be right back." 

He leaves out the door and shuts it, but I hear him along with Melissa talking about me. I hear every word. Sometime after Stiles and Melissa talk, Stiles comes back and states "We're leaving get dressed." 

I do as I'm told and get dressed afterwards, I open the door of my room and walk up to Stiles, and we walk out of the hospital and towards his jeep. 

I get in the passenger side of the jeep and hop in the seat while I hear someone running towards Stiles and I look out the window to see Scott as he tosses Stiles his keys and walking to his bike while putting on his helmet. I then see him getting on his bike he starts it up and rides away. 

Soon after Stiles finally starts walking to the driver side and opens the door and hops in the seat while shutting the door, he starts the jeep and looks at me. 

He backs up and heads towards the exit of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital and we head off down the road towards home.

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