Chapter 46: Void P.O.V.

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When I realize {of course this explains everything.} I know now how he was able to see through and know how I wasn't Stiles, Stuart isn't just some beta he's not even just a wolf he's . . . . A . . . . Part fox, and wolf but his wolf is a mix between beta and alpha, which explains why Scott's roars had an opposite effect on him. Instead of calming him it inraged him causing Stuart to act on his instincts. Why Stuart is easily angered and inraged because of his two inflicting sides one wolf, one fox. Who feels challenged when under threat. But now I'm actually worried for Stuart could ruin everything. I no longer have Kira or her mother to worry about, but now, Stuart could become a problem. I have to take him out NOW or everything I've done will be for nothing. Stuart still looking at us raging fire still burning bright suddenly he snaps out of his weird daze and now feeling the raging fire starting to dwindle down to barely enough to light a candle seeing his fangs and claws retract and his eyes slowly dimming to their natural honey brown eyes. Somehow different as they somehow look brighter then Stiles's. Stuart then speaks " Stiles. . . . I don't feel too good." Stuart then collapses right then and there when Deaton comes over and keels next to Stuart feeling his pulse. Scott comes not long after with Lydia right behind. Deaton announces "he's alive but his pulse is alarmingly high." Deaton then looks to Stiles who is still at the forefront as I decide it best to let Stiles handle it when I see an opening I'll take it but for now Deaton turns to Stiles and ask somehow knowing it's Stilesor maybe not caring " Stiles do you know what caused him to collapse." Stiles answers "Not really, expect I think he might." The second Stiles says this I feel Stiles speaking in his mind to me saying " Void if you don't spill what you know I'll be sure that I'm the one to kill you and I'll do it from the inside out and DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME!!!! it will be the LAST THING YOU Do! Do we understand each other."  I feel the anger and daring nature of what he said so I tell him. Stiles then relays the information to Deaton " Deaton . . .Void says, that he saw something in Stuart's eyes he said he saw not just beta gold, but also saw hints of alpha red and Fox amber. Thinking that was the cause for his anger and rage. Like when Scott roars at him it would cause the opposite reaction as instead of calming him it inraged him. Does that make any sense to you Deaton." Deaton they has this look like he might know some thing but not quite sure as he speaks " it might but in all honesty I've never heard of such a thing." Stuart starts stirring groaning when finally with a another groan filled voice " oooww what the in the living Fuck happened?" Everyone is just staring as Stuart finally stands holding his head and soon is rubbing his neck for he notices everyone staring and Deaton finally speaking breaking everyone else out of their staring fit "Stuart. What do u remember?" I feel Stiles is worried as this is the second hit his head has gotten and they still don't have the all clear from Melissa saying that he no longer has a concussion and the fall he just endured will likely slow the healing process. Stuart is look at everyone with an unreadable expression and what he says makes Stiles feel dread, fear, and complete and utter raw horror as well as severe hurt. "Who are guys, do I know you people." He then looks at Stiles while Stiles is look at him with hopeful eyes and Stuart just looks to Stiles and says "Your probably the only person in here that looks remotely familiar. Do you know where I know you from." I feel Stiles's on the verge of tears and the feeling not knowing with overwhelming worry. I however. I'm glowing with amusement. I guess I no longer have to deal with Stuart. I decide to see how this turn out and tell Stiles to tell his friends " Stiles I'm going to let you take the wheel and drive for awhile I'm enjoying watching everything as they pass from the back so you don't have to worry about me for a bit. Until then Stiles." I feel Stiles's disbelief and surprise but he tells them "Guys he's gone . . . for now." Deaton looks at us questioningly but he goes over to us and Stiles is finally released from the wicked chair and rubs his wrist as he stands. He stands up and stretches stating in mock hurt and pain "Fucking Hell dude my back, ooww."

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