Chapter 50: Stuart P.O.V.

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He stands up stretching. Stating in mock hurt and pain "Fucking Hell dude my back ooww." He must feel very uncomfortable and nervous as he seems to unconsciously reach up and rubs his neck and asks "What are we going to do about him" while pointing at me with the same hand he's rubbing his neck with. Lab coat guy responds " I think you might already know the answer to that. " I think the guy that was in the torture chair was thinking, if so that would mean lab coat guy rudly interrupted saying to the other guy " Scott go with, make sure Stiles is still Stiles and stays that way." The other guy I now know is . . . .wait what did he say either way the other dude answers without hesitation "I'm on it, let's go." Then torture chair guy moves up to me and tells me "let's go" I give him a look with an expression that can't even be explained as it feels so uncharacteristic for me to even attempt to do this . . . . . Face. My plan works I can see it in torture chair guy's face but should probably answer him so I just shake my head yes and we head after the other guy waiting by this cool looking jeep as we approach, torture chair guy reaches into his pocket and pulls out the keys. We load up, and torture chair guy start it up after a few turns and start towards who knows where.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We pull into the parking lot and find a place to park and start towards the doors leading into the lobby where I believe they see a glimpse of someone as the other guy goes after someone, after he chases a nurse down she comes to us asking "Alright. What's the problem?" Both the other guy and torture chair guy say nothing but look shyly at me. When her face shows the look of realization she says "follow me you three" torture chair guy makes sure I'm following so it's nurse lady in lead then the other guy, me, and lastly in the back corraling the herd, torture chair guy. We get to a room where we all swarm into as torture chair guy shuts the doors I go over to sit down on this very comfy looking bed and sliding my hands lightly over/on the comfy bed, then nurse lady comes up to both the other guy and torture chair guy asking "now tell me. What's wrong." Torture chair guy explains to her and she tells them to go to the waiting room while she examines me. They do as they're told as the other guy and torture chair guy make their way down the hall. The nurse lady comes up to me and asks me if I know the 2 boys who just left, I answer "No but torture chair guy seems familiar." As the words torture chair guy left my mouth her expression changed and she asks "which one is torture chair guy." She looks as if she probably already knows what the answer will be "umm the one with pale skin and the dead look in his eyes like he hasn't slept for years, basically the one who looks like a walking corpse that's having a good hair day." The nurse lady almost laughed at my last few words but stopped herself and asks me some questions about me " can you please state your full name, age, your Birthday and today's date?" I tell her "my full name is Stuart Twombly Stilinski, I'm 17 years old, my birthday is April 8th 1995, and I have no clue whatsoever what today is." She writes on a piece of paper on top of a clipboard. She looks at me asking "Stuart do you know who I can call if your admitted, or to have you released from care." I sit there thinking about it, but it's like the image is fuzzy, blurry, and distant from my memory. As in I should know what to say, who's name I need to tell her, but I just can't, I feel like I might cry but I don't, I then tell her in a broken tone, I might not let the tears fall but I sound as if I should be balling my eyes out of commission for how long I should be crying " I. . . . I don't know" she looks as if she's going to cry now, but same as me her tears don't fall and she asks me "Stuart how would you like to stay with the one you mentioned as the torture chair guy, saying he seemed familiar or you could stay here. It's your choice but while you think about it I'm going to let the boys who brought you in know what up, okay." She speaks to me as if she speaks any louder would brake me. . .more like shatter me, I respond "Alright, that works. I'll think about it." She goes after the guys who brought me in while I sit here thinking {why does that guy look so familiar, maybe if I go with him I could find out. But . . . . Isn't he a stranger, I mean so what if he seems familiar, other than that he's still a stranger.} Not long after does the nurse lady comes back with the dudes and asks "So have you decided." I tell her "Yes . . .yes I have."

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