Chapter 49: Stiles P.O.V.

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I stand up stretching. Stating in mock hurt and pain "Fucking Hell dude my back ooww." I immediately feel eyes digging into me and unconsciously reach up and rub my neck and ask as we have something more important to be worrying about "What are we going to do about him" while pointing at Stuart with the same hand I'm rubbing my neck with. Deaton responds "I think you might already know the answer to that. " he's right I do but. . . .Deaton interrupts my thoughts " Scott go with, make sure Stiles is still Stiles and stays that way." Scott answers without hesitation "I'm on it, let's go." I move up to Stuart and tell him "let's go" Stuart looks at me with an expression I can't even explain as it looks so uncharacteristic for him to do this . . . . . Face I just can't explain it but either way he just shakes his head yes and we head after Scott waiting by the jeep as we approach I reach into my pocket and pull out my keys. We load up, I start her up after I few turns and start towards the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We pull into the parking lot and find a place to park and start towards the doors leading into the lobby where we catch a glimpse of Melissa and Scott goes after her after he chases her down she comes to us asking "Alright. What's the problem?" Both Scott and I say nothing but look shyly at Stuart. When her face shows the look of realization she says "follow me you three" I make sure Stuart is following so it's Melissa in lead then Scott, Stuart, and me in the back corraling the herd. We get to a room, we all swarm into it as I shut the doors and Stuart already on the gurney, Melissa comes up to us asking "now tell me. What's wrong." I explain and her look hardens and she puts on this front as she tells us to go to the waiting room while she examines him. We do as we're told as Scott and I make our way down the hall and to the waiting room Scott speaks "So your . . . . . You . . right now, right?" I tell him not really sure if it matters or not for he might not believe me but oh well "yeah . . . I'm me . . . For now." As Void said For a bit until then Stiles. I just about walked into a wall when I feel myself stop suddenly when Scott tells me as I see he's holding the door "Stiles, the door is over here" as I start to walk to the door I hear the voice in my head say "Your welcome." I say back in my mind as I'm walking in the door "Thanks." Scott comes in after me and we find a seat to wait for Stuart and Melissa.

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