Chapter 8: Stiles P.O.V.

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I'm sleeping when I think I hear voices from downstairs "Holy Mother! Stuart! What in the world are you doing sitting there in the dark?! and how long have you been there anyway? You scared the crap out of me." 

I soon realize it's my dad, Noah Stilinski, sheriff of Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department. But I'm way too out of it to hear who he's yelling at, but soon I get my answer "I'm sitting here because this is where we eat, I've been here for about two minutes if that, and I'm sorry I scared the crap out of you, that wasn't my intention. My intention was to eat breakfast but thank you, that was a very good appetizer, but I think I would prefer the main course please and thank you." 

Neither one of them are whispering so I heard every word, I decided to get up as I head out the slightly ajar door and start down the stairs. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I announce, "Hey Dad, Hey Stuart, is it too late to join the party" Dad and Stuart start laughing and Stuart replies "Hey sleepy head with you every day is a party so no, your just in time, so welcome and make yourself at home." 

This time it's dad and I's turn to start laughing soon Stuart joins in and all three of us are laughing and it's great but soon the laughing subsides, and we eat breakfast together and I realize we haven't had a supernatural threat in a while so everything is good, great even. 

So that means it has to get really bad, like super bad, but how bad will it get, does it get bad enough that someone won't recover or heal or "Hey Styling Stiles you alright?" 

Stuart, always looking out for me always making sure I'm not rambling to much in my head "yeah Stuart I'm fine, just rambling like always" Stuart answers back "alright if you say so" I hope so too.

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