Chapter 3: Stuart P.O.V

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I wake up, I walk to the bathroom to take a shower but first I needed to remove the gauze bandages that are on my arm and shoulder, as I removed them, I was shocked as the claw marks as well as the bite mark are no longer there, not even a scar! 

I'm standing there shocked but also awestricken at the same time, when the door suddenly burst open and there stands my clumsy slightly older twin Stiles.

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{I am officially done with him DONE!! I say done!} "Stiles what the Hell do you want me to say. Oh, I just snapped my fingers right before I removed the bandages to heal myself and it just so happened that I wasn't even trying and that's the real reason I look so shocked!" 

Stiles just stares at me with even more wide eyes if that was even possible and told me " Stuart look I know this isn't going to be easy but please shut up for one second so I can talk and maybe explain to you what's going on." 

This time it's my turn to stare wide eyed but I shake my head yes and so he continues "OK . . . good . . before I say anything I just want to say that you're probably not going to believe me so first I need to call Scott


After Scott steps through our bedroom door, Stiles shuts the door then comes over to me and states "Stuart, I need you to show Scott the claw marks and bite mark" 

I stand up from the bed and take my long sleeve off and over my head and point with my right hand at my left forearm then I take my left hand and slightly rub my right shoulder while I explain "I was bitten on this shoulder, but claws were dug into my left forearm" with that Scott looks to Stiles then to where I said the bite and claws marks were. 

Scott then looks me in the eyes and asked and told me "I'm gonna warn you what I'm going to ask is probably going to freak you out, but I have to. Here goes . . . . now did the animal that attacked you have red eyes and look somewhat like a wolf but maybe looked like, I don't know, a deformed wolf, or maybe even a wolf on steroids." 

I'm looking at him with an expression of confusion cause I didn't really get a good look at the thing that attacked me "well to be honest I didn't get a good look at it, but it's possible that is what attack me, as it grabbed my throat. There not a lot of things that do that." 

Scott and Stiles look at each other then they both look at me and say at surprisingly the same time "you're a Werewolf." They kind-of yell but not, at the same time. {So, they say I'm . . . . wait did they just say I'm a WEREWOLF!!!!}

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