Chapter 2: Stuart P.O.V.

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Everything is dark I can't see anything, but I can hear something it sounds like beeping. Then I realize I'm in the hospital. I slowly try to open my eyes as I do, I regret it I groan and move my right arm to try and block the light but soon regret that too. 

I hiss in pain and decide to risk speaking "Can someone turn off the sun" to which someone retorts "No, but I can turn off the lights" when I hear a faint click, I risk opening my eyes again to which I finally do and see Stiles. 

Of course, who else would it be, I see our dad who happens to be asleep along with Scott and I ask Stiles the time and what he tells me shocks me "It's 6:30pm but you've been out for like a week" I'm dumbfounded, shocked, angry, and all around confused. 

{What a week, a WEEK! This has to some kind of sick joke,} but as I sit here looking at Stiles trying to comprehend what in the hell, he just told me and whether or not I'm still dreaming. 

Our Dad wakes up and so does Scott. When they see that I'm sitting up our dad runs up to me, tears in his eyes but not falling. Hugging me and while I sit here letting him hug me, I eventually hug back cause our dad made me realize that this is real, my twin is telling the truth 


I got discharged after 3 days I was finally able to go home. 

When we got home I asked mainly Stiles but also dad if I could go to our room, dad said " I have no say in the matter it's both yours and Stiles room" I look to Stiles with begging eyes and he says "fine but I come too" I look at him with a mischievous smirk on my face "To the Twininski room" I say as I point my pointer finger to the sky as I start walking to the stairs.

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