Chapter 7: Stuart P.O.V.

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I'm still asleep but something is stirring me awake as soon as I hear the sizzling of bacon being placed and the scent of the bacon greasy goodness goes up my nostrils, I leap out of bed as if it were on fire and race down the stairs not even glancing back to see what time it is. 

I see my dad, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills, Noah Stilinski, cooking the greasy bacon goodness as I sit at our circle table eagerly waiting, he turns around and shouts "Holy Mother! Stuart!! What in the world are you doing there just sitting in the dark.... How long have you been sitting there anyway; You scared the crap out of me." 

I look at him and answer "I'm sitting here because this is the spot where we eat, I've been here for about two minutes if that and sorry I scared the crap out of you that wasn't my intention, my intention was to eat breakfast but that definitely was a good appetizer, but I would prefer to have the main course... Please and thank you." 

That's when I hear footsteps start coming from my left, I realize Stiles is coming down the stairs and it is confirmed by a voice "Hey Dad, Hey Stuart, is it too late to join the party" dad and I both laugh. 

I announce, "Hey sleepy head with you every day is a party so no, you're just in time, so welcome and make yourself at home." This time Stiles and Dad start laughing so I eventually start laughing too.

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