Chapter 48: Stuart P.O.V.

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I can't help but wonder through my rage {what did he see, what did he realize.} I'm still looking at him with the raging fire still burning bright and I snap out of my daze thinking but now I feel the raging fire starting to dwindle down to barely enough to light a candle feeling my fangs and claws retract and I can even feel as my eyes slowly start dimming to their natural honey brown color but somehow I can't help but feel like their different as they somehow might be brighter maybe more then Stiles's. I start to feel sick and weird like something isn't right I then speak to Noone in particular but I feel like I said a name but it's becoming hazy and faraway even though I believe I just said it " Stiles. . . . I don't feel too good." I feel myself falling and soon everything goes black. I feel as my head is swirling. I feel like I might have hit my head. I start stirring with a groan as I feel as if I went to the gym and worked myself to exhaustion and working my limbs and body to the extent of aching pain beyond my imagination. When I finally with a another groan filled voice " oooww what in the living Fuck just happened?" As I stand holding my head and I start rubbing my neck for I felt like I have eyes on me and I see a decent sized group staring at me like someone died and this dude who's wearing some kind-of lab coat speaks breaking everyone else out of their weird staring fit, that definitely makes me feel better "Stuart. What do u remember?" I look at everyone with an unreadable expression and I'm thinking how the FUCK do these weirdos know my name so I ask simply "Who are guys, do I know you people." I then look at this one guy about my age straped into what looks to be some kind of torture device while he looks at me with hopeful eyes, I just look at him and say making careful note not to even mention or ask {why the fuck do these people have you straped in this wicked looking chair} but I feel as the more I look at him the more familiar he gets "Your probably the only person in here that looks remotely familiar. Do you know where I know you from." The guy in the torture chair speaks to everyone about some guy being gone but emphasizing only for now "Guys he's gone . . . for now." Then the lab coat guy looks at him questioningly but he goes over to him and releases him from the wicked chair he rubs his wrist as he stands. He stands up and stretches stating in mock hurt and pain "Fucking Hell dude my back, ooww."

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