Chapter 12: Stiles P.O.V.

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We just pulled into the parking lot of the school. We both get out and in unison we close the doors of the jeep. I walk to the back of the jeep to grab our bags I open the top and reach for the bags and their like in the middle of the jeep bed so it takes me a while to finally get the bags as I do I hear Scott pull up beside Roscoe and I know he pulled up beside the jeep on the right side. 

I put my bag on my right shoulder and I walked over to Stuart with his bag in my left hand and I toss him his bag and he throws it over his head to place it on his left shoulder to have it rest on the right side of his waist. As I see Scott pulling off his helmet and starts to get off his dirt bike, I suddenly feel a gust of wind when I realize that wasn't the wind . . . It was Stuart. 

I look towards Scott, and I see them wolfed up and circling each other. Scott roars at Stuart but it just seems to make Stuart angry, like it has no effect on him as such Stuart roars back and lunges at him, Scott defends himself and I see Stuart fall back . . . hard, when he hits the concrete road, I was not surprised to see it cracked as I finally find myself able to move. I run over to Stuart. 

I try to wake him up by speaking to him but he doesn't show signs of waking but I don't let up. "Stuart!! Stuart!!! Keep your eyes open!! Keep them open!!!" I look for anything that could signal he's waking up when I believe I see what I've been looking for, I call out again "Stuart!" 

And finally, Stuart replies back to me "Stiles I can't... I can't focus. I can't thin... think straight. What. . . what happened, I'm so tired." I answer him but I make sure that only Stuart hears so I get closer to him, and I whisper in his ear, and I tell him "Stuart for some reason you're not healing an ambulance is on the way so please keep your eyes open until the ambulance gets here." 

After I sit up, I see Stuart has this worried look on his face and I think we're both thinking the same thing. {What's happing, what's going to happen, why and how is this happening. What are we going to do.}

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