Chapter 9: Stiles P.O.V.

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Stuart and I are getting ready for school as we're finishing up, I hear a knock at our bedroom door I turn and see dad just in the door leaning on the doorframe and Stuart and I say at the same time "What's up Pops." 

Dad just smiles at that and replies "Well I have to head into work, I won't be back for 3 days" I look at Stuart and he shares the same look as me, jaw dropped, eyes wide with a hint of hurt. 

Stuart and I both say at the same time "What... What do you mean three days." Dad retorts " look I know it's a long time, but I just thought you both should know, and no I can't tell you anything" I reply with " Well if you need to be gone for that long. It must be serious." 

Dad just looks at me with a look that told me I'm right, then dad says " I'm just worried, I've never been gone this long. Are you boys going to be ok." I answer, "dad seriously, yeah, I'll be fine I have both Scott and Stuart." 

Then dad looks to Stuart, and he answers, "Yeah whatever." Dad then says, " OK then I love you both and Stuart try not to get into too much trouble while I'm gone, I'll be back in three days, so this house better be in tip top shape and look the same as when I left it, see you in three days." 

Dad leaves and walks out the door and starts down the stairs. After that I go to finish packing my school stuff and I throw my backpack over my right shoulder I turn around and I'm faced with Stuart, he looks at me and asks, "why did you mention me AFTER Scott, what I'm I to you, a second fiddle." 

I start cracking up I just can't take him seriously. After a little he huffs out and walks out the door and starts down the stairs, I then hear the front door slam shut, I decide to follow after him. I grab his bag and throw it over my other shoulder, and I head out the door, down the stairs I grab my keys from the key bowl and turn the doorknob and open the door to walk down the driveway to the driver side of my 1980 cj5 baby blue jeep. 

I open the door and hop in the seat while tossing both of our bags in the back. I look at Stuart and he has his arms crossed over his chest and he's looking out the window. I decide to just start the jeep and back out of the driveway but as I'm backing out, I realize he was serious about what he said, I just hope he doesn't do anything to Scott. I focus on the road as we head off towards Beacon Hills High School.

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