Chapter 63: Stiles P.O.V.

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Void and I are thinking of the best way to get back at them and we finally have come up with a full proof plan of the ultimate pay back. We're going to face a plan of action to make them sooo paranoid and scared of what we're planning that they'll drive themselves crazy. Wondering if and when we'll act but in reality we're doing nothing but enjoying them racking their brains to try to figure out what our plan is up to the point of possible insanity. While they're trying to figure out our plan we'll be reveling in their suffering and pain. We plan to begin the plan as soon as they get here for we invited Scott over for Stuart to hang out and as soon as Scott arrives the mail man will come up to him. Ask him if he's Stiles and I'll open the door. I'll tell Scott to come in as I ask the mail man if everything is here and he'll list off all the things we ordered from the black market. Like all the different types of wolves bane, mountain ash and other stuff that affects werewolves or any supernatural creatures. Once that is impeded in their brains they'll start thinking about what I would need with all the stuff and the plan will officially be in motion.
It's been a few hours since I asked Scott to come over and he should be here any second. Here he comes and I start walking down the stairs to the front door as I listen. I hear the mail man talking "are you uhhh . . . Mr. Stilinski." I open the door and tell Scott "come on Scott." He does as I yell "Stuart! Scott's here!" I hear as he comes down and I look to the mail man "I'm Stilinski, you got what I ordered?" I hear as Stuart comes up to Scott and the mail man starts reading his list as I sign the papers. I tell him "thanks." I hand him an envelope full of cash and I take the stuff looking at Scott and Stuart as I walk up the stairs to my room. I shut the door as I find a spot to hide it all and once I do I go back downstairs to make something to eat. I'm in the kitchen looking for something and I ask as I'm setting up to cook "Hey you guys want something I'll make it for you?" They look at each other and Scott says "no no it's fine I already ate. Thanks though." I look to Stuart and say "you want anything Stuart?" His eyes go wide and he doesn't speak to me and says "uhh hey Scott let's go and set up the chess board." Scott just nods and they start racing up the stairs as Void says "the plan is officially in motion." I smirk as I answer in my mind "sure is. This is going to be fun." I can feel as Void is also smirking with satisfaction and so am I looking forward to school tomorrow. I walk up after getting my food and into my room.

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