Chapter 61: Sheriff P.O.V.

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We're waiting at the supposed location where some potential Murder or Murders are. Looking for any sign of them, any sign of movement. Agent McCall looks to me after putting down the binoculars "so Sheriff, how's Stiles and Scott doing?" I look at him and answer "they're doing fine considering everything." I now pick up the binoculars looking through them keeping an eye our perps. I keep noticing that one keeps looking down at possibly a phone. I place the binoculars back where McCall put them and grab my small note pad and write "one of them keeps looking at what I believe to be a phone. It might mean they're waiting for a call to come in, which might mean that they're leader might not be here. As in the one calling the shots, the big fish, or whale. These guys are nothing more than minnows or pawns." I put down my notes and McCall asks me "so, writing anything important in there?" I tell him "no it's just things I've noticed on this very exciting stake out." He looks at me and says "yeah I agree this stake out is the most exciting one I've ever been on. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go check the surrounding area, while you keep you eyes on them." He doesn't really give me time to answer as he's already getting out of the car. It's been a good solid 5 minutes and I decide to look through the binoculars and I see him looking down and I believe he's talking to his group and they look to be upset or maybe it's disappointment. I see them moving out of sight and right as I was about to go get Agent McCall he come and asks "anything?" I tell him "they're on the move." He starts up the vehicle and we start going back toward the Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department.
We just pull in and I get out as McCall asks " we got nothing. I'm sorry I wasted your time." I look up and tell him "I think we do. Come on" I start walking up the steps and enter the Department heading straight to my office with McCall right behind me. Once I get to my seat I tell McCall "are you telling me you didn't notice anything?" He shakes his head and I get my note pad for my jacket pocket and read aloud what I wrote "one of them keeps looking at what I believe to be a phone. It might mean they're waiting for a call to come in, which might mean that they're leader might not be here. As in the one calling the shots, the big fish, or whale. These guys are nothing more than minnows or pawns. Your telling me you didn't notice that. So you tell me is it worth looking into?" He looks as if he might be thinking and he looks back up at me and says "you know that is something we never thought was a possibility. So I guess the best thing to do would be to check the photos we took and see if we get any hits. So until then Sheriff." He turns to make his leave and after I think about whether or not they could be supernatural, that would account for why and how the victims turned out the way they did. Among other factors of the case. So if those guys were supernatural then what would that make they're leader. So many questions, so little answers. Before I could think more there's a knock on the door. I tell them to enter and Parrish opens the door stepping in and announcing "Sir I think you should take this." He hands me a folder and I can't believe my eyes. I look up and ask "where and how long?" The Persereve, just over an hour ago." I head out to my police cruiser and start it up heading to the Persereve and I'm severely pissed off.

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