Chapter 31: Void P.O.V.

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Stiles will belong to me. I've been working for a while now. I've had to be very sneaky, making sure I'm not noticed. Waiting for the right time to reveal myself and I see that Stiles and Stuart are at the hospital. So I decide when Stiles closes his eyes I'll make him walk to the MRI room where I'll reveal myself to him and remind him that there's no getting rid of me. I have been here, I have always been here. You can't lose your own shadow. Stiles is then walking to talk with Melissa and she tells Stiles "Sorry to say but he most definitely still has a concussion and still some hints of amnesia so he'll have to be watched but I feel by the third day he'll be back to full health" Stiles tell her "thanks Melissa and we'll be here tomorrow, same time" Melissa replies to him "yes same time and Stiles how are you, you sleeping well" Stiles being the one who figures it out knew that Melissa was trying to catch him in a lie for if she's asking that means she must have noticed something so he makes something up . . mostly. Unbeknownst to Stiles I'm here knowing he's lieing and eating every . . . Single. . . . word, every . . . Single. . . lie! " I've been good and I've been sleeping well, Thank you for asking" he immediately turns to the door and opens it and calls Stuart over that they're leaving. He waits and Stuart comes out of the room and and we start walking towards the exit when Melissa call out to us "Stiles, Stuart." She runs up to us and says " Just so you both know, Dr. Gardner wants to talk to you both tomorrow as well so make sure you plan to stay for a while" Stiles asks her "wait both of us, why?" Melissa has an unreadable expression when she answers "Dr. Gardner didn't tell me he just said that he wants to talk to both of you after Stuart's check-in" Stuart and Stiles look at each other with a worrying look. We thank Melissa and we emerge from the doors of the hospital to the parking lot and head to the jeep, we get in and drive home. Where I begin phase 2

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