Chapter 62: Stiles P.O.V.

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I'm driving and I think I should probably wake her. I pull over again and I get up to tap her on the shoulder. She stirs and groans as she finally opens her eyes and I smile at her saying "wakey wakey, where you live we had to leave the preserve when my Sheriff dad showed up, and don't worry I took care of it. So your address or a spot close to it?" She sits up still shirtless and I continue to look her in the eyes and say "you do remember we both slept shirtless right?" She looks down and smiles shyly and rummages through the blankets to find her shirt. I sit down and wait tapping the wheel starting to get restless and she finally gets into the passenger seat as she finishes putting her shirt. Once she gets on her seat belt she tells me her address and I continue driving. On the way she starts conversation "so if you want I'll tell you my name." I look at her briefly before having to look back at the road and answer "yeah and then I'll tell mine." She smiles and she doesn't tell me her name but she does spark a new conversation and we talk the rest of the way and all the way up til we parked infront of her house and she opens the door but before she leaves she says "names Lena and if you ever come by the moon wolf the name you ask for is Rebel Raven." She hops out and I tell her and ask "I'm Stiles and do you think we could exchange number's?" She smiles pulling out her phone and I do the same as she and I exchange numbers. I drive away with a mischievous smirk on my face thinking and I voice my thoughts now that Noone is around other than Void to a degree "I just had s*x with a professional dancer and got their number." Void speaks from outside my head now sitting in the passenger seat " yeah we did!" I roll my eyes and shake my head with the smirk still on my face.
I just pull into the drive and I turn the key turning off the engine. I get out of the jeep and go into my house. I walk up the stairs into my room flopping backwards down onto my bed smirk still on my face as Void says now sitting in my desk chair "we need a shower, to Jumpstart the beginning of our hair restoration process." I just about forgot I didn't have my normal hair color. I look to Void asking "Hey how about we come up with a comeback prank. With both of us it'll be legendary." This makes Void smirk and says "you read my mind, look forward to getting back at those scumbags." I too start smirking even bigger and I go to take my shower and start working to get my hair back.

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