Chapter 56: Stuart P.O.V.

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Uuuhhhh. Imm sooooo booored. I grab my phone playing games til my eyes start to hurt. I then go over to the bookshelf as I realize I'm snooping crap. I go back to sitting go in the desk chair turning in it till I feel as I'm about to puke. When I hear footsteps coming through the grass suddenly stopping followed by . . Wind. I jump up hearing a thump right next to the window at first I thought bird but I see some . . . Wait . . . It the other guy what the Hell. I rush downstairs opening the door going over to him shaking him. He groans "uhhh ooowww. Since when does sti leave the window down and locked." I go to go back inside but I turn to ask "Hey you okay for someone who just turned themselves into a pancake." He starts laughing and says "uhm yeah I think so." I say "good well Stiles isn't home and his dad had to go to work. You think we could hang a bit. I'm ssooo booored. Like you face planting into the window relieved some of my boredom. So yes?" he thinks a bit but shakes his head "totally why not. Since Stiles isn't here. What do you want to do anyway?" I start smirking getting the best idea ever. It seems he's seen this type of look. He sighs "ooohhh nooo. I'm not gonna like this am I." I'm still smirking shaking my head no ever so slightly. He says soon "you know what Stuart I'm pretty bored too. Hit me with it" I pull him in the house to discuss my plan. Soon Scott has a similar smirk on his face. I told him about pranking Stiles as soon as he gets home. We agreed to dye his hair. Scott went to get the dye. As he did that I did some research finding a label that matches Stiles's. I found the exact one printing it as Scott comes in with the hair dye. The print finishes as I apply it to the bottle covering the true label. We put it in place. We also planned to supposedly smelling something foul. Then sniffing Sti to make him take a shower.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hear Stiles pull up and start making his way to the door. He calls out "dad! Stuart! You home!" I go downstairs with Scott behind me when Stiles turns to She Scott he asks "oh Scott what are you doing here?" I start smelling asking Scott "Scott you smell that?!?" He follows along "oh my what is that." He smells closer to Stiles "oh dude . . . You reek. Uck" Stiles sniffs himself asking out loud "do I smell that bad. I took one this morning" I seal the deal. Maybe it's the soap. Here" I of course went with a different brand thinking it over just for this. Stiles looks at us saying "ohh cool thanks I'll go now." Scott and I watch as Stiles makes his way up the stairs 2 at a time and disappearing entering the door to his room.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It's been 1 whole hour since Stiles went to his room when "What the hell! Ohh your guys are so dead!" The bedroom door open and Stiles jumps down the stairs coming at us full speed ahead. He shoves us saying "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I knew something was off. This!!!" He points at his hair "is not okay. Look at it. How am I going to explain this. Your dead you hear me dead!" He storms off to his room slamming the door and Scott and I start laughing our asses off. Stiles opens the door yelling "this isn't funny guys. The whole school is gonna eat me alive. Coach and the whole lacrosse team too. I'm never going to hear the end of this." We stop laughing and Scott and I start heading up the stairs to see Stiles sitting on his bed covering his face with his hands while his elbows are on his knees. Scott speaks "it's not that bad." Instantly Stiles looks at him giving him a death stare then saying "are you kidding me right now. Have you seen it. Well look . . . at . . . . my . . . FUCKING . . . HAIR!!!!!"


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A/N: I thought I would make him Blonde cause why not

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A/N: I thought I would make him Blonde cause why not.

Stuart P.O.V.: Jeez but understandable. "Hey look it's just temporary anyway it'll be gone in approximately 3-6 weeks maybe sooner if you wash it excessively with shampoo." Stiles turns to glare at me then says " Half a month are you serious. Was that supposed to make me feel better?" I shrug my shoulders "I thought maybe it would." Stiles is still staring daggers into me speaking again "well guess what it didn't work. I'm gonna the talk of the week and I'm never going to live this down. I'm gonna get you both back, so you better sleep with one eye open." He brushes past Scott and I lightly hitting our shoulder as he leaves his room going out the door and slamming it. He starts his jeep and wheels out of the drive leaving once again to God knows where.

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