Chapter 16: Stiles P.O.V.

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We finally get home and I park the jeep in our driveway and turn off the engine, I pull out my keys and I open the door to hop out and head to the other side of the jeep to the passenger side door to let Stuart out. 

I open it and say "we're home let's head in" Stuart gets out and we head up the driveway and into the house. 

I drop my keys in the key bowl and Stuart and I head up the stairs to my bedroom and Stuart plops onto his bed while I plop on mine. I read the packet that Melissa gave me. 

After a while I finally finished reading it and I sit up to look at Stuart who is also reading but he's reading a book on something with the title of [The Maze Runner] I call out to him and say, "Hey you doing alright?" 

Stuart puts a bookmark in his book, closes the book, and sits up and looks at me and answers " yeah I'm fine, why?" I stare at him and think to myself {this is going to be a long day} "well you're my brother, I'm I not allowed to ask if you're doing OK." 

Stuart replies " well I guess so but why are you asking when you already asked. Are you worried about me?" As he finished his sentence, he flutter blinks at me with a face that tells me that he's challenging and patronizing me. 

I retort back "What... No!! Of course not! How dare you even think that!!!" Stuart immediately starts laughing and I'm officially done with him, DONE, I SAY DONE!!!!! I decide to lay back down and try to sleep, and I tell Stuart that he better behave.


I wake up after a good amount of time later and look at to where Stuart is, and I see him at the desk just sitting there staring at me I ask "Stuart what time is it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Can you tell me why you're just sitting there, staring at me." 

Stuart just continues to stare at me with this unreadable and creepy look its actually kinda creeping me out. I sit up and walk over to Stuart. 

He doesn't move at all he just keeps staring at where I was, so I look to see if there's anything interesting about where I was and maybe find out why he's staring. 

When I do, I see something that horrifies me as I realize that my worst nightmare's coming true.....


I suddenly jolting up from my bed and sitting up I instantly look to the desk only to see that no one's at the desk so I look to the bed, and I see Stuart sitting up on his bed looking at me and he asks me "Hey are you OK? Is there something wrong?!" 

I look at Stuart and I try to look calmer than I felt. I smile at him and reply "yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Stuart just looks at me with a look that says ok, but I know u don't mean it. 

Stuart gets up and walks over to the desk and sits down he doesn't look back at me instead he grabs his book and leans in the chair. I decide that it's probably best to get up and make something to eat for both Stuart and me. 

I head out our bedroom door, down the stairs to the kitchen and look around for something, I settle on some Ramin and after it's done cooking, I take it up stairs and into the room I set down the Ramin in front of him on top of the desk and say "here this is for you" 

I give him my share to as I'm too freaked out to eat. Stuart digs in and asks me with a mouth full of Ramin "aren't you going to eat anything?" I look at Stuart and reply " I'm not hungry but I thought you might so here you go."

 Stuart smiles at me and continues to eat the Ramin. I head back downstairs, out the front door, down the driveway and into the driver side of the jeep, so I could call someone for advice but I thought maybe it would be better if I stopped by and asked in person but I need to call Scott and ask a favor so I could leave as Stuart can't be alone. 


After Scott arrives Scott asks where I would need to go at a time like this and why it couldn't wait. I tell Scott that I'll have to tell him later and that I owe him one. 

I don't let him answer or to try and talk me out of it as I have already made up my mind and so I was already long backed out of the driveway before Scott could even blink. I'm heading down the road towards the one who knows anything and everything you need to know about the supernatural world.

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