Chapter 44: Void P.O.V.

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Soon after Stiles retreats I come to the surface and I hear Stuart talking saying "Stiles hey whats wrong? Wake up what's happening? Stiles talk to me." The minute I look at him his feelings change instantly from worry and confusion to fear and an ever growing anger. I speak with my smirk returning "Hello Stuart everything is going great, I'm fine. How about you but you don't need to tell me as I can already feel how you are. Your angry, and scared. Your all afraid of the big . . . bad . . . Fox." I feel this only makes him more mad as I his anger continuing to grow. I notice him starting to clench his fist and he speaks through clenched teeth "where's Stiles?" I feel and see he's on the verge of tears aww that's sweet he actually cares. I'm going to make him attack his own twin brother. He won't see this coming as right before he attacks I'll force Stiles to the surface with me in the background feeding from Stuart and Stiles. Feeding from Stuart's anger and hatred towards me and Stiles confusion and pain in more ways then one. The pain of Stuart hurting him, the pain of the blows, and pain that Stuart actually hurt him not knowing whats going on. Now phase 4 will begin " Well Stuart, Stiles is dead. I'm all there is and even though you poured your heart and soul into letting him know that you actually care. It . . . means . . . NOTHING  to him, you actually thought that would work. To help him not lose himself. Look at the evidence right in front of you,, Stiles . . . doesn't . . .care. he was in no way moved by your petty attempt to save his sanity otherwise I wouldn't be here. That should tell you everything you need to know, as in the second you admitted you Love him, I came out so what does that tell you. It tells me he likes me more then you." The second I finished my last statement I felt Stuarts slowly growing anger suddenly burst into a rage in the next moment and I see him with claws and fangs as he looks at me with glowing bright golden eyes fueled with rage and fire. In the next moment he roars loud enough that it shakes the building as if an earthquake come through but only affected this place, to be honest he actually scares me {good luck Stiles your going to need it} for the plan has officially begun. I retreat and shove Stiles to the surface and he sees exactly why I retreated and trys " Stuart don't!!!" Stuart doesn't even hear him through his boiling rage now taking over, and Stuart starts going towards him while Stiles is at his mercy as he is still bound in the chair moving furiously, desperately trying to escape but to no avail. Stuart jumps and lands infront of us eyes raging as Stiles and I look at him I can't help but feel nervous and worried his eyes are not just gold of the typical beta his eyes are gold but with hints of other colors including amber and red. That's when I realize {of course this explains everything.}

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