Chapter 59: Stiles P.O.V.

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A/N: Veiwer Discretion Advised: There is smut in this chapter. It starts at the first time skip and ends after the second timeskop so if you don't want to read that then now you know where to go. Either way I hop you enjoy the story.

We pull into the parking lot and I just now realized I don't know her name and right before she opens the door I ask "so I realized I don't know your name. So what is your name?" She turns to face me and she has this lustful look in her eyes "well to my name you must first call me by name." I look at her confused I ask "do you mean I call you by your strip name then later I can call you by your real name." She shakes her head yes and again goes to the door but I lock it she turns to me fuming "why did you do that?" I look at her saying "I think you'll live if you miss one day. Besides I remember you saying at the bar you had 1 hour left. So you still have ruffly 50ish minutes before you work. So why don't you and I have some fun before you go." I can feel her lust and need as she says "you know what screw it let's get out of here." I smirk and restart the engine going to the preserve so we won't be bothered.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We just pull in as I turn off the engine and pull out the keys I turn to her and say "want to know the best thing about a jeep." She nods and I continue " you don't have to exit the jeep to have access to the bed." I get out the drivers seat and into the jeep bed. I tell her "so do I throw down a 20 and you give me a lap dance or is the first time complementary." She snickers at me getting up from her seat prowling towards me. She has her hands on my shoulders rubbing up and down she then says "take your shirt off." She leans back while I go to take my shirt off.

" She leans back while I go to take my shirt off

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She takes hers off at the same time. She places her hands onto my zipper of my jeans and proceeds to unzip them along with unbuttoning them. She then take off her pants and underwear. Now she's laying on top of me looking at my lips while licking her own. I get impatient and take charge kissing her. She kisses back while exploring my body. She breaks the kiss lowering herself to my lower region. She takes my jeans off along with my underwear now both naked asses and all. She then licks up my length making me moan out. I can feel her smile when suddenly she engulfs me fully bringing me over the edge. An hour or so passes and she's still going at it when I get this sudden rush of aggression. I force her under me now on top of her with her back to me I trail her curves with the back of my hand. It makes her moan. I smirk to myself. I start messing with her making her moan more.~~~~~~~~~
We are now laying wrapped in the blankets that were in the jeep bed sleeping. I hear this faint tapping sound. It's stirring me awake. I hear it now it's something or maybe someone hitting my jeeps window. I open my eyes to see . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My DAD!!!! FUCK!!! I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. I got on my jeans before we went to sleep but I left my shirt off. I unwrap myself from the blankets and my mystery girl going to the driver seat to open the door to hop out. I close the door quietly as possible and motion for my dad to walk away from the jeep. He rolls his eyes but walks towards me a distance away from the jeep. Now I'm so in for the wrath of the Sheriff that is also my dad. He takes a breath before talking maybe it'll help him not be too mad "Stiles explain Now!" Shit he's being vague he's so pissed. "Ummm" I unconsciously start rubbing my neck suddenly feeling nervous I try talking but I can't find the words when Void cuts into my thoughts "did you forget you have a secret weapon. . . . Me. Let me help." To be honest I'm surprised but I kinda need a miracle and I guess he's the closest I'll get "alright but only to get him off my back." He say back "of course I love this sort of thing. It's in my nature to lie and come up with an excuse on the fly. I already know exactly how to weasel out of this." Well I guess that is true. "Do it Void." I feel as he takes over my body but somehow I'm still looking through my eyes but it's weird as when I blink I don't feel myself blinking I hear as I talk but I'm not "look I know how bad . . ." He gets interrupted "bad, Bad. Stiles that doesn't even begin to explain it." He speaks again "I know, I know, but nothing happened. All I did was drive her to see the sunset and I guess we fell asleep." My dad looks at us with an unblinking and I don't believe you look saying "really. Then where's your shirt?" I see as he looks down seeing no shirt then saying "She was cold so I offered my shirt." He then counters "I thought I saw you both wrapped in blankets so that wasn't enough to warm her up so you had to give her your thin shirt and that did all the difference not thick fluffy blankets." Not hesitating "yes exactly. I knew you would understand." My dad rolls his eyes giving a playful look that said you have to be kidding then says "well fine if that's the story your going with. By the way if anyone asks I was never here. Now get out of here, the preserve is closed after dark." I feel as my face smiles and says "yeah will do" heading back to the jeep I hop in starting her up and getting the hell out of dodge. After we exit the preserve not long before Void pulls over feeling him pull back to give me control. I open my eyes checking to see if I'm in control and I am.

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