Chapter 13: Scott's P.O.V.

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I just pulled out of my driveway and I'm heading to the schools parking lot


I just get to the parking lot, and I see Stiles' baby blue jeep with a vacant spot next to it, so I pull in next to the jeep and I notice Stuart leaning onto the side of the jeep not long after I see Stiles coming up from the back of the jeep with two backpacks one on his shoulder and the other in his hand. 

He tosses the one that was in his hand to Stuart and Stuart catches it then proceeds to put his bag on. I take my helmet off and start to get off my bike I suddenly got the feeling of being under threat so I immediately wolf up and caught the attacker only to realize it was Stuart so I thought maybe if I roared at him, it would force him back to human form but all it did was make him mad, hostile even. 

I get ready for an attack as he roars back and lunges at me but I see it coming I initiate a defense like attack and I use his own momentum against him and he falls backwards and hits the ground hard, his fall made a loud noise it was so loud it made me think lightning struck the ground but I look at Stuart and I realize he still hasn't gotten up that's when Stiles comes running towards us and he kneels down towards Stuart. 

I decide to go into the school and have them call an ambulance I run into the principal's office and tell him what happened and to call an ambulance he does. So, I run back to Stiles and Stuart who still isn't moving. After a little while of Stiles trying to get Stuart to wake up or move, I hear the ambulance in the distance so I tell Stiles "Hey Stiles I can hear the ambulance he's going to be ok, his heartbeat is steady." 

Just as Stiles was about to tell me off he looks to Stuart and says "Stuart! Stuart!! Keep your eyes open!! Keep them open!!!" I feel really bad, I feel horrible absolutely horrible. 

I want to help but I don't know how. Stiles tries again "Stuart!!" This time he gets a response "Stiles I can't... I can't ... focus ... I can't thin... Think straight... What happened.... I'm... So.... So tired." Stiles moves closer and get close to his ear so just Stuart would hear even I had a hard time hearing what Stiles said to Stuart, but I still heard it. 

What Stiles said has me worried for Stuart. {Is he going to be ok, is there something wrong, what happened to him that could have caused this, was it my fault, did I do something without realizing.} 

Before I could continue thinking about what in the world could have happened to have this kind of result the ambulance pulled up. Of course, the paramedics went straight to work. Asking questions so they could take appropriate action. 

Soon after, Stuart is getting loaded into the ambulance with Stiles right behind them Stiles yells to me and throws his keys and asks, "Follow with the jeep I need to be with Stuart." 

I don't hesitate in answering and I quickly throw my bike in the back and get into the jeep and drive after the ambulance to head to the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

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