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Look ya'll, Vanoss and Delirious have been through tons of shit *coughnotmyfaultcough* so this is going to be to be just lots of fluff. ALSO, ya'll should listen to 'The Wreakage - Breaking Through' and 'Timeflies Tuesday - Alcohol' because not only are they Vanoss and Wildcats outros but they are really good songs xD. Onwards to the chappie!!
Vanoss P.O.V
"You're not seriously going to time me are you?" Delirious asked.
"THATS 2 SECONDS" I shouted with enthusiasm.
"SHIT" Delirious screamed, literally panicked.
I was training Delirious to setup the recording equipment so that he can remeber to do it by himself. After around 3 minutes he plopped down on his butt and breathed "Finished". I got up and checked the recording equipment: The windscreen was on the mic, Elgato was up and running, all media was safely being stored into the folder we named 'Recordings' and his mic was plugged in (he has forgotten to do that so many times). Pleased with his work I turned to Delirious who was now standing up and texting the others (AKA Mini and Wildcat) via Xbox Live. I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek, "It's perfect, just like you".

Mini P.O.V
Tyler and I were waiting for Vanoss and Delirious to join our lobby so that we could start doing shit. I was sitting in Tyler's lap...or more precisely I was sitting between his legs, his arms were underneath my arms and controller rested on pelvis while his head rested on top of my head which at this moment was rolled back into the crook of his neck.
"Dude" Tyler said in a very mono/relaxed tone.
"Wassup" I replied in the same voice as he has.
"Do you ever think about us getting married?".
Shit, what? Haven't we been dating only a month? I know we dated for nearly a year last time but we broke up, isn't this a fresh start?
"Don't worry, I'm not asking that" he chuckled, rubbing my leg in a relieving way. " It's just, I think about it all the time, not the marriage ceremony or anything but everything after that. Like, when we live together, sleep together, just living together. I once went as far as us getting a kid, a little boy named Johnny, after Delirious. We were sat down in a pair of garden lounging chairs as he ran around with Evan and Delirious' kid. He was giggling and making 'whoosh' noises as he ran around with a wooden airplane. It's a childhood-" I heard Tyler sniff, "-a childhood I would've wanted".

I felt Tyler start to cry, to soothe him I put my hand in his.

"I don't even know why I'm crying" he laughed.

I kicked over an empty beer can "Blame it on the alcohol" I quoted.

"That's my song you bitch!" Evan laughed through our TV.

"TIME TO GIVE DA PUNCAKE" Tyler shouted, blowing himself up with a C4.

I would've said something but my throat was feeling really thick and I didn't want to cry.

Delirious P.O.V

Vanoss and I found Mini 'crying' over his beautiful 'piggy' boyfriend.

"MY SUCCULENT, FATTENING BOYFRIEND" Mini cried out in tears.

"MY MACDONALDS" I cheered as I crouched and started to creep up on Wildcats corpse, but it disappeared before I could get to it. "Aww, I was hungry".

"Eat the Asian Kung Pow Chicken then" Mini Laughed as he ran away.

We continued to mess around for a few hours until we all agreed we were actually hungry so we had a break to get some food. I scavenge the cupboards and fridge, grabbing cheese and bread to make a sandwich and Evan got some Mountain Dew and Cookies as an energy boost I guess. I started to grate some cheese into a bowl but Evan kept taking pieces."I won't have enough if you keep taking them!" I scolded him.

"Eat some then" He laughed grabbing a handful of cheese and shoving it into my mouth and getting it everywhere. "Ugh" I groaned as I crouched down and began to pick up the cheese, Evan bent down later to help me.
As there was once piece left we both reached for it and our hands touched, as they did I looked up at Evan and he was looking at me.

Evan snatched his hand away and put on a girly voice, "Oh my, how coincidental. Our hands just seemed to touch! Maybe we are meant to be!".

I burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of it and so did Evan. We both got up, collected our food and returned to our consoles.

After several more hours of gaming we decided to call it a night and go to bed. I cuddled up with Evan as we got into the bed and had the best night sleep I've had in a while.


Sorry for the blunt ending but I thought I had made it long enough. Also, Can ya'll tell me who tops? Mini or Wildcat? Cuz' I don't know...


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