death bed

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Delirious P.O.V
"Evan,Evan talk to me" I begged before he collapsed to the floor. I stood there, shocked and wide eyed. He didn't move, blink or do anything. I got down next to him and shook him."Evan please, please wake up". He didn't stir from his slumber. He was cold and pale but he was breathing.

I ran and grabbed my phone and dialed 911. Soon enough the ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital, I didn't feel good enough to go so I stayed at home. I refused to show the doctors in the ambulance my 'fuck up' cut, so I sat at the front door step and watched them drive away.

I was shaking badly and was hearing things like the door open or some coming up behind me. I thought I just needed a glass of water so I went to the kitchen but I collapsed to my knees since I couldn't hold my own weight. I saw a glimpse of my shirt in the fall, it's was painted red. I had the urge to puke so I got up fast but that was a mistake, I threw up on the spot. I was shaking worse than ever now, black started to creep in from the corners of my eyes as I slowly crept into unconsciousness. I tried to hold myself up on the kitchen counter but failed. I was soon surrounded in darkness.

Vanoss P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital bed at some point during visiting hours. The noise from the visitors was making my head ache so I put my head under my pillow and tried to remember what happened.

The memory of Delirious's cut stuck out like a sore thumb, he had to of been in the ambulance as well.

I called the nurse over and asked about him. "Sorry sir" she said with an apologetic look "he didn't come with you. We can call him so he can come see you if you like". My mind had a way of making delirious's cuts seem more graphic than they were but I remembered it looking bad. "Nurse, he was injured. Are you sure he didn't come with us" I asked persistently, "No I'm sure of it, but if he's injured we could go out and see him, where do you live?". I gave her the address and thanked her. I lay my head down listening to her pumps hitting off the floor tiles as she walked away. Thinking I had done well, I had a nap.

I was awoken later by a commotion going on. "He's lost about 2 pints of blood and wasn't responding when we it there, he's bound to be dead!" Said a nurse, " I know the odds look bad but maybe he is just unresponsive due to the blood loss, just get him into the A&E ward and see what we have to deal with" responded the doctor. I looked up to see what was going on. Nurses and doctors were running around all over the place for this patient. I tried to look over all the heads to see who it was but then for a split second a clear line divided for me too see who it was. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. Lying on the bed was a deathly pale Delirious.

Authors note
Fucks sake this took me 2 hours to write, why on gods green earth is it so short?!

Anyway hope you guys like it and if you want me to continue with this tell me in the comments or if you want another mini and wildcat chapter, again, tell me in the comments.

See ya guys, baiii :3

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