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Mini P.O.V
I rang Evan for the nth time today and he still wasn't answering his phone. I knew this was going to be hard for him, especially since it was his wedding day, but I didn't think he would ignore me.
"Craig, give him some space. I know you mean well but if you died, I'd want the world to stay the fuck away from me." Tyler said, easing the phone out of my hand, "C'mon honey, lets go record some prop hunt or something.".

We played GTA for about half an hour until I couldn't resist it anymore, I was really worried for Evan and I had to call to see if he was okay.
"I'm going to get some drinks, okay?" I told Tyler, kissing his cheek as I got up.
"Okay babe" He replied, running over a hooker.
I walked into the kitchen and picked up my phone. No new messages or calls.
'Ugh, pick up this time you fag' I thought as I called his number again.
"You're not calling him again, are you?" Tyler said, appearing in the doorway.
I lowered the phone to my side. "He's our friend Tyler. Or more-so, family. I have to check if he's alright."
"For fuck sake Craig, leave the bastard alone. If he can't sort out his fucked up head then leave the motherfucker to be mopey on his own" Tyler spat, leaning against the door frame. I was going to speak but I heard a tone come from my phone. Looking down, my phone read 'Evan Fong, Call ended, 00:18'.

I gulped, looking back at Tyler. I mustn't of look good because he paled and his voiced sound strangled.
"Wh...what was that?" He asked, looking frightened. Full of rage, I picked up the car keys and pushed past him. I walked out the door and got into the car and Tyler got in too.
"I..I didn't mean it like that! I swear, I didn't mean for him to hear!".
"Then don't fucking say it then!" I shouted at Tyler, rage boiling inside of me.

I started up the car, put it in reverse and I raced out of our estate. I had to be fast, with Evan already depressed and now probably fired up with anger...I was scared for his well-being. I broke a few red lights and probably going to get a speeding ticket in the mail but I didn't care. We finally turned into Evan and Jonathans drive way.
"Shit" I muttered, getting out of the car. The front door was ajar, as if someone forgot tho close it. The smell of burnt rubber was in the air and from looking under the car, there were burn out marks on the driveway.
"I'm going to try call him" Tyler said, pulling out his phone and holding it to his ear. I decided to look inside the house to see if there was any indication of where he went.

The house looked like it was hit by a storm. If you can remember beast's room from 'Beauty and the Beast' when Belle explores the west wing for the first time, it looked kind of like that. I heard a jingle come from the living room and the pitter-patter of tiny paws on the floor. I looked inside and saw a tiny kitten with blue eyes under the couch, it was shaking with fear. I tried reached out for it but it hissed and swatted my hand away before cowering further under the couch. I sighed and left it alone to explore the rest of the house.

I ventured upstairs and explored the first room I came to, the bedroom. Inside, the blinds were pulled down so it was pretty dark except for a soft glow coming from Evans laptop, which was on the bed. I looked at it and saw that a video Evan had made a video in commemoration for Jonathan and had uploaded it. I checked the comments and they were full of messages, such as:
'DELIRIOUS NUUUU D-': Rest in peace my friend'
'this is a joke dw....right?'
'Oh my god, I would of never guessed delirious was depressed :'-( I'm so sorry Vanoss '

I shook my head in sympathy and got off the bed. As I was leaving, I saw on a book shelf, on the other side of the room, that there was a teeny-tiny safe that was open.
'Did Evan just grab some money and take off?' I wondered. I guess I wouldn't blame him if he did though, under his circumstances.

I went to the room across the hall, the bathroom. When I walked in I had to walk straight back out and try to hold down vomit, the room looked like it was sprayed with blood. I took a deep breath and walked in again. There was blood in the sink, some drops on the wall, and the mirror cabinet was broken and had some glass shards dotted with blood. I walked over to the sink and saw a blade in the middle of it. It reminded me of the time I self harmed and Evan and Jonathan came back from their vacation to help Tyler and I, they are the best-est friends I'll ever have. I went out to touch the blood covered blade but flinched back when Tyler ran in. 

"Dude" He panted, from running up the stairs, "He's...He's on a bridge...I think.. he's gonna-".
Tyler didn't have to say more. I dragged him back down the stairs and into the car. Tyler was driving this time since he knew where Evan was due to the fact Evan seemed to of left his location on.

Hang in there Evan, you were there for me when I was depressed so we are going to be there for you.


Few Minutes Later


Luckily, the bridge Evan was at was not too far from his house. We did a very shitty park on the side of the bridge and ran until we saw trying to climb a rail but it was raining so he kept slipping. Tyler got a burst of adrenaline, I'm guessing, and sprinted towards Evan, tackling him to the pavement. Evan fought Tyler off and raised... A FUCKING GUN AT HIM.
'That's what was in the safe' I thought.

I skidded to a halt and put my hands up, trying to not look like a threat, but Evan stilled turned a pointed the gun at me. I looked him in the eyes and saw sadness, anger , and fear in them.
"Evan" I spoke, softly, "Put the gun's going to be okay".
"NO ITS NOT CRAIG, SO FUCK OFF. JUST LET ME DIE, OKAY?? LET ME BE HAPPY FOR ONCE" He shouted at me, obviously boiling with rage and sorrow.
"You don't know that" I prompted, smiling. Trying to make it seem like everything was okay, "You've got to go through the storm to get the sunshine ya'know."

"Evan was hysterical, I couldn't tell if he was breathing weird or crying.
"Evan" Tyler spoke up, looking like he was going to shit himself, "Jonathan is happy now. You made him so happy, I could tell but now, he is in a better place where he isn't going to be depressed ever again. Don't you wont that for him?", Evan slowly nodded, lowering the gun, "Yeah, so how about you come with us, okay? Everything is going to alright."

Evan lowered the gun to his side, letting his head hang to the floor as well. Tyler and I both looked at each other, unsure of what to do. When I looked back at Evan, he was shaking his head. 

Then...we were to late.



Authors note:

Thank you guys so much for reading 'Will you still love me'! It has been such a pleasure to write :-) Especially since I was a fan of this book before I actually became a writer! 

It has been an honor to write this, and I know I screwed up a few with upload date, and not all the chapters were good but I hope you guys still enjoyed! 

Tbh, I don't really want to finish this book, it's too much fun to write but I feel like I'm dragging it out to the extent that it's just repetitive. So maybe soon, I may write something different. And when that day comes, I hope ya'll wont hate me because of this ending xD

Anyways guys, Thank you guys again for reading this and I can't wait to start the second book! :-)

See you guys next time, Baiii! :3

-Panda & Pewds

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