Special Day...again

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Delirious P.O.V

" IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS EVAN!" I shouted at the tv screen. Evan and I were racing each other in Red Dead Redemption.
" but I love it when you beat my ass" he replied.
" Oh My God " I laughed, sounding like a dying hyena with a bit of wheezing.
Vanoss was trying really hard to hold back a smile but it wasn't working out for him.

"Hey, dude" Evan said.
I tried to reply but I was laughing too hard.
" Dude" he said a bit louder,but I still couldn't reply.
Evan grabbed me by my shoulders and playfully shook me, " GET YO SHIT TOGETHER, BRO".
I managed to calm myself down so Evan was able to talk to me.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight " Evan asked
"Sure, do you have a place we should go to?"
" Yep, this place called Phillips (is that a real place? Idk). It's err, 3 now. Want to go out at 6?".
"Sounds good" I reply and we went back to playing video games.

~Time skip~

Evan P.O.V

Delirious and I arrived at Philips around six. We walked in and we were escorted to our seats.

The room had a calming atmosphere with jazz playing. The main colour scheme was cream and red which I guess is also meant to add a calmness to the room. Our table had a cream cloth with a red strip going through the middle and a lit candle with rose petals surrounding it. It was perfect.

We sit down and we are given menus. For food, I pick a streak with vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy and Delirious picks a cheeseburger with chips.

After the waiter leaves, " dude, really? A cheeseburger".
"I eat cheeseburgers any where, at any time. Now excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom" he says in a push voice as he excuses his self from the table.
When I make sure he is out of sight, I reach in to the pocket inside of my tuxedo and take out the ring. It looks beautiful in this light. I was legitimately going to do this in Gamestop but what if we told our kids that we got engaged in a video game store. It wouldn't be the best story.

I put the ring back in my pocket as Delirious returns. We talk about things like YouTube and how everyone week react when we confirm we are dating. The thing that happened at the carnival has calmed down a lot now and really the only person who talks about it is @Slimshady_xx . (Das me-PewdsCryaoticKen)

Our food arrives and we dig in. After we finished it we got desert. I got a hot fudge cake and Delirious got an ice cream sundae. When we finished that we waited for the waiters to take our plates and give us the check.

After they cleared the table I started on the speech I had been rehearsing in my head the entire night.
" Jonathan" I said, holding his hands " I love you so much and I can't believe that every day I get to wake up and see your face. The Times we have together are always amazing and the reason they are is because you're there. I know you say you're not right in the head our that you're a weird freak but you're not! I love you because the way you are and if you ready believe that you are this weird freak, then I would happily spend the rest of my life with this weird fre-" .

My phone went off and I saw it was my mom. Letting out a sigh I answered.

Delirious P.O.V
Oh my God
Oh my holy freaking God.
He loves me.
I always kinda thought he did but this feeling I have in my stomach now.
I think I'm flying.

I look at Evan and he looks, uncomfortable?
He hangs up the phone and looks at me. Tears in his eyes.
" Dude what's wrong?!" I ask, concerned.
"I have to go back to Canada for a week.
My grandad died".

Authors note


NEARLY EVERYTHING IS WRITTEN IN PAST TENSE. eg : it WAS perfect, we WENT back to playing video games.

What if vanoss and delirious are narrating their life all the way up to when they are older and married with kids and shiz. That would be cute.

See ya guys,Baii


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