Forgive me?

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Delirious P.O.V.

My mind was completely blank as Evan had his lips to mine.

I didn't realize I wasn't kissing back until Evan nudged my lips, causing to immediately kiss him back.

He smiled into the kiss and laid me back onto the bed, giving him the advantage. I wrapped my arms around his neck and desperately tried deepening the kiss, until

His doorbell rang.

Pulling away and sighing Evan said, "I'll get it."

I stayed there and stared at the ceiling, Evan kissed me AND said he loved me.

I heard voices downstairs, then footsteps heading back to the room.

Vanoss poked his head in and said, "Wildcat's here, you might wanna put your mask on."

I could tell he didn't want me to, "No." He looked up at me surprised.


"I'll keep it off, I don't know if I should come down, though. He really does not like me."

"That's fine, do whatever makes you comfortable." He smiled.

After Evan shut the door and headed back down to see Wildcat the voices came back.

Why out of all people did he have to be here?!

---Vanoss doesn't love you, Wildcat set this up.---

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the voices by thinking of anything I could.

Anything BUT Tyler.

Then a image of Evan smiling ran through my mind, once again silencing the agonizing voices.

I decided to go downstairs, because staying up here does make me look like a wuss.

Half-way down the stairs, I heard laughing, and then, "Yeah, you should've seen his face after I pulled away. He totally believed me!" Then more laughing.

Were they talking about me?

Tyler's voices replied to Evan's, "Dude, that's fuckin' hilarious!"

They had to be talking about me, I ran back up the stairs and hid under my blankets, causing my dog to jump up beside my and lay as close to me as she could, whining a little.

I hid my face and started sobbing, why?

I thought you didn't hurt the people you love?

Vanoss P.O.V.

"Yeah, you shoulda seen his face when I pulled away, he totally believed me!" I made the mistake of saying, just because I didn't want Wildcat believing I was actually gay.

"Dude, that's fuckin' hilarious!"

After that was said, I heard footsteps running back up the stairs, telling me I made a big mistake.


"Well, I think I'm gonna head out now, I gotta get to MiniLadd's (ayeeeee) before he kills me."

"Alright, dude."


I slowly walked up the stairs, to the guy I was dreading to see.

Why would I say that knowing he might hear it?

I tried being quiet as I opened the door, seeing a sleeping Delirious.

I walked over to the sleeping body, and saw his tear stained face.

I honestly have no explanation as to why I said something so stupid.

I don't think he's going to forgive me.

I honestly don't think I deserve it.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him closely to my chest and kiss his forehead, definitely not sleeping tonight.


Its about 3AM and Delirious is still asleep in my arms, but I've just been finding the different textures of the ceiling. Turns out, ceilings are full of different points- okay I need to stop.

Delirious looks completely peaceful when he's asleep, I hope that isn't too creepy.

I feel something moving then I realize Jonathan is trembling, because of a nightmare I assume.

He jumps up and starts gasping for air, scaring the shit outta me.

"Jonathan?" I whisper.

He jumps and looks at me, obviously surprised I'd even lay with him after the shit I pulled.

He stares at me waiting for me to say something, "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"You jumped up pretty abruptly from your sleep."

"Oh, just a bad dream. Did Wildcat actually come over today?"

I wait a moment for replying, lying is not a good option right now. "Yes."

He looks away from me after I say this, "So I actually heard you say that?"

"Yes. I only said it because I thought I shouldn't tell him I'm gay, but I promise you I didn't mean it! I'll even call him in the morning and tell him I actually meant what I did with you! I actually really love you and I'm so-" I'm interrupted by Delirious lying back onto my chest and saying, "You ramble whenever you truly mean something, you always do it. I believe you."

I smile and hold him, "Do you want to tell me about your dream?"

"I was in the middle of nowhere, and then I dropped into water and couldn't swim up, so I started drowning."

"Look at me."

He shuffled around until he could look at my face, and then I kissed him. "You should really go back to sleep now, its almost 4 in the morning."

"I'll sleep if you sleep" he giggled.

So, we did.

-----actually read below this please

YO! Do you guys see how many views I have? That's sick!

I wish I could hug all of you!

I would've updated more but school is really a pain, BUT now Its fall break and that means more updates for you!


I have Wildcat and MiniLadd going to be together

But who else do you want to see? ANY TWO YOUTBERS TOGETHER


Ill find a way to add them, if I don't well that's poo.





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