I love you

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Just wanted to let ya know there is MiniCat after the H2OVanoss part if you wanna read it I, (PewdsCryaoticKen) worked very hard on it.
By the way me and Pandas do see all your comments and we enjoy them and sometimes get a laugh out of em (-:
Enjoy the story!

Vanoss P.O.V
"JONATHAN, NO!" I erupt, I won't have this! It's all my fault, if I had said something or better yet, done something about Wildcat he wouldn't of turned to self harm and this wouldn't of happened. "ITS ALL MY FAULT"

Doctors drag me out of the room against my will, pulling me to my bed and give me a dose or morphine. I slowly slip into a sleep. Covered in my own tears.

Delirious P.O.V

"JONATHAN, NO!" is heard faintly behind me. "Evan? What the fuck you doing in the dark you crazy bastard" I laugh running towards his voice, but soon I am engulfed in darkness, losing my sense of direction. It's cold and dark, I can't see a thing.

I collapse on the ground due alto a heavy weight gain on my muscles. "what the f-". My eyelids slowly droop, I'm slightly scared.

Once again a bright light shines in my face. "I'm coming Evan" I encouraged myself and ran towards the light.




I woke up on a hospital bed, my stomach pounding. I knew what was happening next and could only say one word, "Bucket". The nurse passed me a basin as I puked the remains of my stomach before breaking into a sweat and lying down.

The pain in my stomach was unbearable so I curled up into a ball and whispered Evans name over and over. This gave me some relief

(A/n don't want to bore you guys with long hospital chapters so I'm skipping to when they go home)

~time skip~
Delirious P.O.V
Vanoss carries the majority of my weight as we walk into the house. I was all okay again and didn't need help but vanoss insisted, and who was I to say no to my very muscular boyfriend wanting to carry me everywhere?

As fun as it was to be carried, I wanted to stand in my own two feet for a while. Vanoss said sure but he was always a little bit behind me, just in case.

I started to make a sandwich when I see vanoss leaning on the kitchen door frame, "Whatcha want?" I asked him. He strode up to me pulled me into a hug, my arms round his neck and his arms round my waist. " I was worried about you" he told me, playing with the end of my hoodie, " I thought you were dead".

We stood in silence just holding each other. I felt the back of my hoodie get wet. "Hey, I'm okay now, don't worry" I reassured him, "okay" Vanoss replied, smiling.

I pecked him on the lips and looked down, slightly embarrassed.
He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him, then he brought me into a proper kiss. We wrapped our arms around each other, kissing passionately. I pulled away for breath. I looked up at him and said
"I love you, so much."
"I love you too, Delirious."

Authors note
I'm not that insensitive am I? Don't worry I'd have to be retarded to kill off Delirious.

I know it's short but I just wanted to clear this up so I can find a new topic to go on. Also I was going to do some smutty action ;-) but I don't know if you guys would want that, so tell me if you do

See ya guys, Baii
And now its my turn to please your MiniCat needs and bc I just wanted to write (-:

Wildcat's P.O.V.

'fuck you' were the harsh words running through my mind at the moment. What did I do?
Am I really that big of an asshole?
I mean sure I make fun of Delirious, But I'd never do Mini like that, he means too much to me. Maybe that's why he deems me selfish.

I never truly mean to hurt Delirious, I just for some reason despise the fact he's so open with being gay.
I can barely talk about it to Mini.

I can see now that my selfishness and my lack of courage is leading to the failure of the relationship I've always wanted to have.
I would call him again, but I have a feeling he wouldn't want to talk to me.
I'm currently just staring at his house, I know I shouldn't get out because it would turn out terribly.
I just want to hold him again.
I love you, Craig.

MiniLadd's P.O.V.

I regret how harshly I spoke to Tyler, but did he have to act so..so ashamed? I mean I get he's knew to being somewhat openly gay, but the way he was talking..
What if he is using me as joke material?
No, that wouldn't make sense. He made love to me.
That's hopefully not something he would joke about, and the way I see him look at me sometimes that has to mean something, right?

Everything about him drives me insane and I can never tell if that's good or bad, but right now I just want him here. I'm not used to being without him.
I love you, Tyler.

After walking around and randomly cleaning things in my house (I do this when I become nervous) I noticed Wildcat's car in my driveway. Did he leave it, or is that him in the driver's seat?

I go down my steps and to my front door and peek out, standing clear,hopefully, of being seen by Tyler.
I see his head in his hands which gives me the clear to stand directly in front of the door. But I notice that his shoulders are shaking...is he crying?
He NEVER cries.
Well I've never seen him cry in the long years that I've known him.

The pressure in my chest causes my protective mode to kick in, no matter how much I think I shouldn't forgive him, I start to walk towards his car.

After what felt like hours I was standing next to the driver side door, my mind was still screaming for me to stop, but my arm reached out and tapped his window.
Wildcat's head snapped towards the sound quickly, his face in complete shock.

I take this opportunity to open the door, causing my heart to sink.
He looks so broken.
I say no words as I pick him up, shut the door, and take him inside straight to our bed.

He cuddles to my chest before saying, "I'm so sorry, Craig."
I start to play with his hair, "For what?"
He sniffles and relaxes against my touch, "For being so afraid of what I am and hurting you in the process. I do love you, I truly do. I would do anything to prove that to you." He cries.
I smile at him, "You showing up was enough to prove to me."
Something flashes in his eye and then he sits up, then sits on top of me, swooping his head down to kiss me.

I kiss back instantly and he smiles against my lips.
After he pulls away I mumble, "I missed this."
He smiles, "I did too"
"I love you, Craig."
"I love you, Tyler."

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