Panda is insane <3

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Freeway: basically a giant road that you take to get to other exits. For example, for me to get to Lewisburg, TN, I'd have to get to the freeway to head to the exit 840. -PewdsCryaoticKen

Vanoss POV

I pulled out of the driveway of our house and started to drive onto the road (wtf is a free way? IDK. I looked it up, it's a motorway thingy). Due to mega gaming hours and not going outside AT ALL, Delirious and I had run out of food. I was going to Wal-Mart (I want to go Wal-Mart *cri* ) to pick up necessities like Mountain Dew and Doritos as well as milk and bread.

I pulled up into the Car park and saw a space right in front of the entrance doors so I did some 'Fast And Furious' shit and swerved into the space. I parked the car, turned off the ignition and got out and walked towards the doors. As I walked into Wal-Mart I heard a sharp inhale come from my left. I looked over and saw a girl, in and around the age of 16, gawping at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and waved at her but then she said "Are you VanossGaming?". Not really used to meeting fans in public I just smiled and nodded. "Oh My Gosh! Can I take a selfie with you?", "Um, sure?". I was really pleased as she beamed at me and clapped her hands as she got out her phone and came over to me. I put my left hand on her shoulder as she took the picture. She turned to say thanks but then her eyes opened really wide. Confused, I asked her what was wrong and she grabbed my left hand , quite tightly, and said " Are you engaged?". It was really funny with the hope I could see in her eyes so I just shrugged and derply said "I don't know" before walking away. As I was walking I could hear her squealing behind me and I nearly laughed out loud.

~Time skip to after Wal-Mart~

I reversed back into the drive way and watched from the rear view mirror as Delirious came to the door. He has a smug look on his face with his eyebrows raised. I put the car back into park and got out the car. I made my way to the boot, where all the food was, and Delirious walked towards me. I could now clearly see he was holding his phone. "What's up buttercup" I asked kissing him on the fore head. "Meet a fan?" He asked but in a tone that said I-already-know-the-answer. "Yep, she upload the photo onto Twitter or something?" . "Not only twitter" He stated "But your Face book Page, Tagged you on Instagram and its all over tumblr". Once again I was slightly confused since Delirious didn't sound mad at all but he was making a big deal out of it. " Is there something wrong with it? Did I have something in my teeth?" I asked jokingly. "Nooooo" he giggled his cute giggle, "But you did have your engagement ring in full view " He ended with a smile in the shape of a 'L' and finally showing me the phone. I took the phone from him and looked at the picture, and sure enough my ring was in full view for everyone to see. Delirious turned on his heel and said "You can deal with this.....and bringing the food".


After I had packed away all the shopping, I set up my camera on a tripod stand and started to explain the photo. I really didn't mind anyone knowing, Jonathan and I were openly gay and the fan-base was really supportive. This was one of the most easiest videos and possibly one of the shortest I have made. I just explained that I loved Jonathan more than my own life and I didn't ever want him to leave me so I proposed and, obviously, he said yes. I ended the video with a 'L' shaped smile and shrugged before leaning over and turning off the camera. I put the SD card into the computer, transferred it over to YouTube and left the video to render, it didn't really need a thumbnail or any editing.

I came down in time for some GTA Heist missions and a Gmod Horror Map. WildCat, Mini, Delirious and I had started to record videos just between us more often since we were all a lil' gay.....just a little. After hours of swearing, fails and jumpscares, finished recording at around 9-ish so I used my remaining time to edit the videos and upload them to YouTube. I didn't really think that Engagement video was enough for the day. When Jonathan and I were done editing we headed downstairs to make some food before bed since both of us had barely eaten all say. I put some bread in the toaster and rashers(bacon) in a pan. It was midnight-ish so we both wanted something quick and tasty to eat. After waiting the recommended 15mins of frying time, we took the rashers out of the pan and put them onto the toast. Delirious snatched the pan from my hand a smothered it in water, breathing out happily when he heard the sizzle of the pan and smoke come from it. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and put the rasher sandwiches onto a plate, then carrying them upstairs.

Jonathan and I got changed into our pajamas and got into bed. Jonathan went straight to sleep but i stayed awake to check the comments on the engagement video. I was slightly surprised at how pleasant the comments were, there was a bad egg every once in awhile but apart from that everyone was really supportive. Knowing i could rest easy I turned off my laptop, turned off my table light, rolled over and put my arm around Jonathan. I kissed the side of his neck and told him "I love you".

Maybe too much for my own good :-)


Sorry for lack of chapters, the circumstances were out of my control.



2) Im thinking about doing a story on the side, A Markiplier X reader kind of thing, what do you guys think?

3) this is kind of like a day in the life kind of chapter because I have kinda lost the plot of this sooo....

4)I might kill Vanoss for the lolz


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