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Authors note
Just before this starts, you all know the song 'say something I'm giving up on you'?. Well I listened to that writing this chapter ;). Also I know this is a slightly an exact copy of the first chapter but just read it okay :)

Delirious P.O.V

Tonight was a gaming night, but it wasn't for recording. We rarely had these, but they always were hilarious.

Vanoss, Wildcat and Lui were here tonight and we finally decided on GTA V.

"Vanoss, where's your car?" I timidly ask, because he was being quiet about it which NEVER turns out well. A slight chuckle from his mic was heard then BAM! I see his car fly then a 'Wasted' screen pops up. "GOTCHA JONATHAN!" Screams Vanoss.

They all laugh while I try to put together what had just happened.

"Dude did you just fuckin' teleport your car?!" I ask laughingly. Then Wildcat decides to say "No, you idiot. He was hiding it from you because we were planning against you like always."
I remembered this faintly, how I did nothing and let him walk all over me. Well not this time.

"Shut the fuck up you pubey beard, speccy bowl haired cunt." I know he didn't have a bowl hair cut but I didn't care. "What?" He said, he sounded kind of surprised. " I said shut the fuck up, I have had enough of your shit. I am a normal person just like you and I have a limit, you mother fucker... have just gone over it."

I paused too see what he would say but everyone was quiet. " I am done with your shit and letting you get to me. You might want to learn how to suck your own dick wildcat cus' I'm sure no one is going to want to suck he dick of a 23 year old virgin."

Suddenly, all the lights went out. "Vanoss? Evan, you there?" I called out. A bright white light shone above me, " Evan you up there?". 'He probably can't hear me' I thought, so I went towards it.

Vanoss P.O.V

"Jonathan" I whispered to my self. Patients were muttering to each other about him, I could hear them. " I've never seen someone that pale, he's probably already dead". That was the only one that stood out to me. The thought of him dead, limp, lifeless. I just couldn't see him like that.

"DELIRIOUS" I scream, following the way the bed had gone with him. Nurses were calling after me but to hell with them. My love was probably on his death and I couldn't leave him like that.

I finally found the room he was, he was surrounded by doctors and nurses, each tending to his stomach. I pushed through them all and got down beside him,holding his hand, stroking the back of it hand with my thumb. " you're going to be okay, okay? Just wake up and I'll be here. I'm okay and I think you are too. Come on delirious, wake up. We can go home and play GTA and eat lots of food and cuddle and sleep and do anything you want!" I rambled on hoping my word would bring him to consciousness. "Please" I whispered.

Then a heard a long beep come from his heart monitor.

Authors note
I have no regrets >:-)
How did you guys like it? Tell me in the comments, I literally just love reading them.

Hope you liked the chapter because I'm definitely going to put the conclusion to this in the next chapter

See ya guys, baii :3
(Ps I actually do have a wattpad were I might start posting little hints about what I'm writing next if you guys want to follow me :3 )

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