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Delirious P.O.V

I sat down on my bed and leaned back. I started to go through my memories, remembering everything onwards from when Evan came to live with me, thinking about what the impact of everything had done to change my life.

Firstly, Evan came over to stay with me after Tyler had told me 'everyone was planning against me'. I'm glad he did, I probably would've over thought it. Then the voices would've kicked in and then...I don't want to think about that

Secondly, Evan found out about the voices. He should've thought I was a freak and left before I even knew, but he stayed, he stayed and he held me when he brought me to bed. That was also the time I kissed him and he told that....he loves me *blushies*

But then Evan joked about him being gay. He was joking of course but why did he feel the need to? It's wasn't like he was wearing lipstick and when we kissed I smudged it so he needed an excuse when Tyler saw. I'll never know why Vanoss said that but hope it was all a joke.

After that, Mini and Tyler had their first fight, I think it was their first anyway. That's what Mini told me. Tyler tried to come out to me because he knows I am gay but when Evan opened the door and said what he said, he got scared and left it. That's one thing me and Tyler can relate on, we both got scared of what Evan had said but that's in the past.

Oh Jesus, the fair. I think I'll remember the fair until the day I die. That girl, being publicly gay, twitter. Vanoss shouted at me that day. I thought Vanoss had left me that day so I made the 'Fuck up'. I lifted up my shirt so I could see the faint lines that has been left from the damage of the cut. Back to remembering that day, when Evan came home and he saw the cut, he blacked out and I called an ambulance. They took him away and I bled out BECAUSE IM TOO FUCKING STU-

I was taken out of my fit of rage to hear my phone ringing. I look at my phone, wildcat was calling.

"Hello?" I say. "Hiya Delirious" Wildcat replies. "Oh, hi Tyler, what's up?" I ask. "Er, well it's not unknown to you that I just had a break up and I was wondering if I could talk to you about it.".
"Yeah, sure! Where do you want to start?".

I spent the rest of the day helping Tyler through his break up and to be honest, I don't feel like a bad person anymore.

~3 Days Later~

Vanoss P.O.V
I was walking around the shopping center (or mall as they call it in America) picking up different things on my way when I walked into Hallmarks (Cardshop) it was Delirious and I's 1 year anniversary and I know this is a clichè but...

I'm going to propose to him.

Authors note

I'm so sorry, this chapter is probably boring as hell since Delirious is just going through every that had happened in the book but I need some kind of....thing to put in so this chapter isn't just related to the proposal. I have a thing I want to do but you guys will have to wait and see >:3

Also btw, I'm hoping to get updates up on Saturday every week. I'm back to school on Monday and it would be best if I wrote the chapters on a Saturday.

See ya guys, Baii :-3

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