Congratulations and grief

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Delirious P.O.V

"But what if he says no?" I panicked.
"Dude, I don't think he would've been pulling his hair out over this if he was going to say no" Mini chuckled. 
Evan had been stressing over the wedding from the moment we had set a date. It was slightly annoying, the amount of times he had said 'Nooo, we cant have roses! That's tacky' or 'It can't be turquoise, or ocean blue! It must be a teal blue' but it was adorable, seeing how much effort he was putting in. He had sent invitations to his family and friends were I had only sent an invitation to my mom and I jointed with Evan when we sent invitations to our friends. No one in my family really respected the fact I was marrying another man.
Oh it's only a phase, it'll pass.
What do you mean you're actually marrying him?
Jesus Jonathan, you're such a disgrace...

Yeah...I'm a disgrace. You don't have to tell me twice.

Mini helped to calm my nerves while Lui, who sat on the other side of my dressing room, read out congratulation tweets from our fans. Vanoss and I both tweeted a photo of us in our respective tuxedos (They were both the same, black jackets with matching black pants, black shoes and a white collar shirt. The only difference between was that I had a teal vest and he had a ruby one with matching coloured ties), announcing our wedding and we almost crashed twitter with the amount of retweets we received. Wildcat, Marcel and 407 were with Vanoss while Mini and Lui were with me. 407, Marcel, and Wildcat were accompanying Evan at the aisle, Wildcat being his best man, and Mini and Lui were walking down with me, Mini being my best man.
"I'm going to the bathroom" I say, walking out of the room.

I walk down a long, carpeted hallway until I reach the bathroom. I open the door and lock it as I walk in. Taking a deep breath, I look at myself in the mirror. I smile, a genuine smile.
"I'm marrying my best friend, co-worker and lover today" I tell myself.
"Are you sure about that first and last one?" A voice responds, a voice I know all to well.
"Yes I'm sure" I snap back, "and everyone is supporting me!".
"Does Wildcat though?" It responds.

No you idiot. He was hiding it from you because we were plotting against you like always.

Wildcats words echoed around my head.
"Are you sure he supports you? Does he even like you? DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?"
Tears dribbled down my cheeks as I left the bathroom and went back to the dressing room. Mini and Lui looked at me.
"Oh God! Dude, are you alright?" Lui asked.
I couldn't tell him what had happened, he would call me crazy. "I'm...I'm just so happy" I told him, which wasn't really a lie.
"Oh, okay" He said with a smile, wiping my cheeks, "Try to stop crying, you're going down the aisle in a minute".

Vanoss P.O.V

I stood at the end of the aisle with Tyler, Marcel and Scotty behind me. I tapped my foot against the carpet, getting a cramp in the ball of my foot. 

The organ starts to play, everyone rises and turns to the arch at the back of the room. Mini, Lui and Delirious walk into the entrance and make their way down the aisle. I look away from Delirious and look around the room. My family and friends are here, everyone is smiling. In the front row there was a small, blonde woman, holding a handkerchief to her mouth, which was curved into a massive smile, and patting away tears. I'm guessing she's Delirious' mom. Looking back at Delirious, he had tears slowly running down his face. I couldn't help but give him a reassuring smile.

 Once he was in my radius, I reached out for his hand , which he gave me, and I softly pulled him forward. As he stood infront of me, he bowed his head so I couldn't see his face. I squeezed his hand to let him know I was here for him. He looked back up with a smile,which caused me to smile. And thus, the ceremony went on.

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