Will You Still Love Me

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(I recommend listen to the song while reading)

3rd Person P.O.V

Evan walked back to his hotel room, carrying a glass of water given to him by the bar maid. With a happy mind, thinking about his future with Jonathan, he exited the elevator he was in. Completely unaware of his near-dead husband only a few doors down.
"Jonathan? Honey? Are you okay?" Evan called, entering the hotel room. Jonathan lay on the bathroom tiles, weak, unable to respond. Evan knocked once on the bathroom door...nothing. Getting slightly worried, he shimmied the door knob, hoping it would open. It didn't.
"Jonathan, please! Open the door baby!" Evan pleaded, "I'll kick it down!". Jonathan, no longer on earth, stared at the door, his life flashing before his eyes.
"Ya'know Evan...I...I always wanted to settle down with you" Jonathan said calmly, tears lining his cheeks, "I always wanted to have a kid and...heh, you wouldn't guess it but...I always wanted to get a cat. A lil' tabby cat with green eyes and would purr when you'd scratch its ear.....I'm never going to have that...am I?".
"No!" Shouted Evan, tears running like a river, kicking the door once, "We'll have a kid! We'll settle down! We'll get a tabby cat with green eyes! Just-" Evan kicked the door once more, "Just wait!".
Jonathan smiled, knowing that the last thing he'll see is the door in front of him getting pummeled.
'Its no use' Jonathan thinks to him self, 'I'm going to be dead by the time he gets in here'. Jonathan laughs once but his smile fades. 'I don't want to die...I don't want to die!'.
"EVAN! EVAN PLEASE! HELP! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Jonathan cries out.

Evan rapidly kicks the door until the lock busts. He gets stuck in place when he looks at his husband. Both of his arms, from wrist to elbow, are covered in blood. The scars on his face are been reopened and are still gushing blood. He has to gulp to keep down vomit and runs to his partners side.
"Jonathan..."Evan whispers, cupping the side of his husbands face, blooding covering his fingers. "Just, just hold on! I'm calling an ambulance!...Jonathan?"
Evan looked at Jonathan, head lolled back and eyes looked empty...but they were still on him.
"What? What is it Jonathan?" 
"When I die...Will you still love me?"
"You're not going to die! You're going to live and we're going to go home and play video games and have movie marathons and, and ,and...".
Evan looked at his husband but his eyes were dull, no emotion on his face.
Evan was too late. Evan couldn't save him before he let go.


An ambulance pulled up a few minutes later. Evan clung to Jonathan like a teddy bear until they were forced to separate by paramedics. Evan was allowed to come with Jonathan in the ambulance but it was a long ride to the hospital. The journey was filled by paramedics trying to get a heart beat out of Jonathan while Evan stared at his body, waiting for him to pop up and be like 'GOTCHA EVAN! Hahaha!'. But he didn't, he lay still and motionless...like he was sleeping.

The ambulance pulled into the drive way of the hospital. The paramedics transferred Jonathan onto a stretcher and rushed him into the hospital. Evan kept up with them until he was told he was not allowed to go any further. Then, he just watched his husband get wheeled away...never to be seen again.

Vanoss P.O.V

My heart? Destroyed. My life? Worthless. And what have I got to live for? Nothing. 

I shuffled down the endless maze of halls until I found the waiting room. I sat in a chair at the far back corner so no one could see me and I called the two last people on earth I  cared about.

Tyler and Craig rushed into the waiting room, tears running down theirs faces like waterfalls. They didn't see me due to the fact I was in the corner so they ran up to the woman at the counter. I saw her shake her head but then point to me. Tyler and Craig turned and looked at me, both of their looked like they were looking at a dead litter of kittens. I thought about how I looked: A blank expression, tear stained cheeks, covered in my husbands blood and I was still in my damned wedding tuxedo. To put it simply, I probably looked broken. 

They walked over to me and sat down. Every once in a while, their mouths would open but then close.
"He slit both of his arms open and the opened his scars on his face" I spoke, monotone. I felt like I was just an empty body now. Like, as if I was hollow.
Craig choked out a sob and began to cry whilst Tyler held him close. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, pissed at myself for not helping him.

This was my fault.

We stayed their for hours. Craig and Tyler fell asleep from time to time but I stayed awake. I had to be awake when he came back. Soon enough though, my head became heavy and started to loll onto my shoulder. One of my eyes shut and wouldn't open. My breaths became heavy and my other eye began to flutter. 

When my eyes reopened. I was getting off a plane. I followed the people in front of me until we came to baggage claim. I picked up my suitcase and continue through the air port. I had looked around until I heard a familiar voice.
"EVAN" Shouted a running figure in the distance. 'Wait a second' I thought.
The figure got closer and joy filled my hollow body, "JONATHAN". I held out my arms to him like I did once before but instead of hugging me, he kissed me. His soft lips on mine...it felt so real. 

When we separated, we were at the carnival and the disgusting, flirty girl was walking away.
"Faggots" I hear her say.
"Whore" Jonathan spits back, causing me to laugh. Feeling him close to me again, I missed his scent, posture, voice, and many other things. I try to embrace him but he's gone and the carnival hall has been stretched out massively.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I hear a blood curdling scream. 


At the end of the hall is a door, the bathroom door.

I run, for all my worth I run but I feel like I'm getting no where. A light starts to shine behind the door.


Just as I land my hand on the door knob, a force drags me back at an alarming speed

"EVAAAANN!" Jonathan screams.

"Evan!" Craig shakes me. It was all a dream. I can feel tears streaming down my face.

"Mr. Fong" A deep voice says beside me. I turn my head and see a man in a doctors jacket with a very sympathetic look on his face. 

God...Please no.

"I'm sorry Mr. Fong but....Your husband is dead."


This is the 3rd last chapter.


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