chapter 1 | first day

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Dixies POV:
It's the first day of senior year and surprisingly, I'm looking forward to it. I hate school. I've always hated school, but this year I had to make the most of it since it was my last year going to school ever. I was so excited but the only thing that I was dreading was, Noah Beck. He is a family friend, I guess you can say. His parents and my parents are the best of friends. Except for me and him. I hate him. I despise him, for no reason whatsoever. I just hate him. He's so stuck up and he's definitely a player. Last year I saw him making out with a random in the middle of the school hallway. Player. Let's hope I have no classes with him.

"Wake up! We're gonna be late!" Charli said. I guess I wasn't paying attention to the time, I was caught up in my thoughts, while sleeping. I woke up to her voice "oh my god char" I groaned

"We'll wake up! It's 7 o'clock we have to leave in 45 minutes!" She said, awfully loud. "Ok! Im up geez" I sat up and got out of bed as charli left my room. I went to my bathroom to pee and take a quick shower.

I love morning showers. I did my skincare and brushed my teeth. I normally don't eat breakfast in the mornings, I just drink coffee. I hurried downstairs and made myself a cup of disgusting coffee that wasn't from Starbucks.

Soon after I made my coffee I drove charli and I to school. She had her own car she just doesn't know how to drive. We arrived just on time. We parted ways and went to our lockers. I soon got approached by my best friend, Addison.

"hey dix!" Addi said, sounding happy. "Hi adds!" I always called her that. From the day I met her which was in 6th grade. "What's your first class?" She asked. I looked at my schedule "um it looks like math" I rolled my eyes. I hated math

"Oh same! And Noah has math as well" Noah Noah Noah. Her and Noah are siblings. Not twins but siblings. Well Irish twins if you could say that. They were born in the same year. Double the trouble.

"Oh cool. Let's get to class before we're late" I smiled and started walking. Addi followed. We arrived to our class and got greeted by the new math teacher. Mrs. Peters.

"Hey! I'm Mrs. Peters. Name?" She asked as we walked in "I'm Addison!" "Dixie" I fake smiled and sat next to Addi. Soon after Noah came in. Tall. Muscular. Brown haired.

He sat in front of me and he turned around to look at me "hey dix" he smiled. I rolled my eyes "hi" he for sure knew that I hated him. "Ok class we're going to get started!" Mrs. peters started off with

The first day of school was ok. Noah actually really didn't bother me, which was nice. I made a new friend and her name is Amelie! She's the sweetest girl. I went straight home after school. When I got home my mom informed me of something...

"So guess what?" My mom said smiling at me. I sat at the island "what?" "Well we're gonna have new neighbors! They're moving in today". I rolled my eyes "cool, and how do you know?"

"Well because it's the Becks!" I went wide eyed "what!?" No no no this can't be happening, I thought to myself. Noah..I have to live next to Noah. The rest I don't mind but Noah!? "Dixie! Calm down"

"Im going to bed" I went upstairs quickly to my room and shut my door. I laid on my bed and turned on some Netflix. Right now I'm binge watching fuller house again. I guess I ended up falling asleep because at 6 pm I was awaken by my dad

"Dix, come downstairs, the Becks are here for dinner" I groaned "ugh" my dad left and shortly after I got up and made my way downstairs to the dining room. There they were. I sat down next to Addison

"Good morning dix" addi laughed. I let out a little chuckle "hey adds" I looked at Noah for a split second and then turned away. "So why did I have to come down" I asked

"Because it's dinner and you are going to be respectful" my mom added in. "Fine"

We ate dinner and had conversations. Noah glanced at me a couple times but I just ignored it. Soon after it was already 8 o'clock and the Becks were just about to leave

"Bye adds, bye mr and Mrs. Beck!" I said, purposely ignoring Noah. "Bye Dixie!" Mrs Beck said. My mom turned to me "say bye to Noah as well. Don't be selfish" I rolled my eyes "bye Noah" I mumbled

"Bye dix" he sighed and walked out. After they left I invited my boyfriend over. He made me happy and I was so in love with him. About 15 minutes later he came.

I took him up to my room and we chatted and watched movies. "I'm getting tired baby" I turned to Nick. "Ok how about we go to sleep?". I smiled, "sounds good. Goodnight, I love you". He kissed my forehead "goodnight, love you too" and we drifted off to sleep


First chapter of the new book! Hope you liked it :) maybe I'll actually publish this book🤷‍♀️ I have many drafts that aren't finished. But um yeah...
make sure to vote! (if you want obvi)

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 944

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