chapter thirteen | goodbyes

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[1 week later]

Dixies POV:

Today was the day that Noah was leaving for the week. I was sad. I'm gonna miss him. We slept in our own houses last night just because...but this morning I went over to his house and saw him getting last minute things for the airport.

"Hey" I said, walking into his room. "Hey dix" he came over to me and kissed my head, "how'd you sleep baby?" He asked. "Good but I'm gonna miss you"

"I know baby, me too but we can FaceTime every single day I'm there. Ok?" He said. I smiled "ok"

He finished packing and we left. My mom and I took them to the airport so they wouldn't have to leave their car there. I sat in the back back with Noah, holding his hand, not letting it go.

We arrived and the Becks got out. Noah and I got out last because we were in the back back. I faced him and looked at him. I then hugged him tightly and he picked me up, causing my legs to wrap around his torso

"I'm gonna miss you princess." He kissed my cheek. "I already miss you" I chuckled, while crying lightly. He looked at me "baby don't cry. It'll be ok. I promise" he said while putting me down.

"W-what if you find someone better than me?" I said. "Dixie! You know I will never ever find anyone better than you. You're perfect. I'm never leaving you. I promise" he said. I smiled and kissed him.

"Ok I gotta go now, but I love you. You're beautiful always remember that and I'll be thinking of you all day, everyday." He kissed my forehead. "I love you too bubba" I hugged him one last time and before I knew it, he was gone. only for the week though...

I got back in the car with my mom but this time in the front. "Hey hun, you ok?" She asked. "Mhm I'm fine. I'm just gonna miss him"

"I know sweetie. It'll be ok though. I can tell you really love each other" my mom smiled. I smiled as well. "We do. I'm so happy with him"

We drove back home and and fell asleep, because i was tired. a couple hours later noah texted me saying he arrived in Arizona and was at his grandparents house, so i called him.

[on call]

D: hi baby
N: hey gorgeous. I miss you
D: I miss you more bubba. How's Arizona going far?
N: amazing! Just like I remembered *smiles*
D: that's good! *smiles* I just wanna kiss you
N: me too baby. I miss you lips
D: I don't wanna go to school tomorrow without you
N: I'm sorry baby. It'll be ok though
D: how about I just drop out *giggles*
N: no baby *laughs* you can't do that
D: pleaseee I'll just go online
N: *shakes head no* you're not doing that
D: yes I am
N: no you're not Dixie. Do you wanna be stupid?
D: so you're calling me stupid?
N: no I'm just saying..
D: I will do what I want
N: you're not dropping out. I don't care what you say
D: ugh I hate you *hangs up*
N: wait b- *dixie hung up* fuck

[off call]

"I'm dropping out, I don't care" I said. Noah couldn't stop me. He has no control over me. I'm dropping out. My main focus is social media. Not school.

Noahs POV:

I fucked up. I didn't mean to tell Dixie that she couldn't do that and she was stupid. I mean it's her life, so go off...but schools important. Even though she's smart enough, learning more helps. I tried to call her back but she didn't answer, so I just let it be.

[2 days later]

It was Tuesday evening. Dixie and I still hadn't talked and it's not because we had a little fight, it's just because we are busy. I had to spend time with my family and Dixie had school, at least I think she was going.

I'm sitting in the room that I'm staying in and I decided to call Dixie, surprisingly she answered.

[on call]

D: hi
N: hey baby. How are you?
D: ok
N: what's wrong?
D: what do you mean 'what's wrong?' You called me stupid 2 days ago...
N: I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to, I just really don't want you to drop out...
D: well too bad, I already did.
N: WHAT!? *upset*
D: I don't care what you say Noah. It's my life and I don't want school. I have social media
N: ok, whatever.
D: what're you doing?
N: laying in bed
D: oh ok. Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight
N: night *hangs up*

[off call]

"Hey hun!" My mom called up to me. "Yes mom?" "We're going to get ice cream, wanna come?" "No thanks. I'm too tired" I said. "Ok! See you later then" she smiled and left the room.

I drifted asleep. Thinking. About my baby. Even though I was upset that she dropped out I still missed her. I wanted to see her, kiss her, cuddle her.
5 more days Noah. 5 more days. I thought


Oop Dixie dropped out of high school. Bad girl...

So I wanna make something exciting happen in the story so bare with me for the next chapter..😀 don't hate me👍 also i'm depressed because my sisters team lost a game before the state tournament, so now their soccer season is over :(

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 942

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